Stephen R. Sharpe
Review of Particle Physics
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,143 new measurements from 709 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetric particles, heavy bosons, axions, dark photons, etc. Particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as Higgs Boson Physics, Supersymmetry, Grand Unified Theories, Neutrino Mixing, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Cosmology, Particle Detectors, Colliders, …
Three-particle quantization condition: an update
We give an update on our derivation of a quantization condition relating the finite-volume spectrum of three particles in a cubic box to infinite-volume scattering quantities. We have discovered and fixed technical problems in the derivation sketched in the proceedings of last year's lattice conference [arXiv:1311.4848], and have presented a detailed description of the corrected derivation in Ref. [arXiv:1408.5933]. Here we give an overview of the problems and their solutions, and describe open questions.
Perturbative results for two and three particle threshold energies in finite volume
We calculate the energy of the state closest to threshold for two and three identical, spinless particles confined to a cubic spatial volume with periodic boundary conditions and with zero total momentum in the finite-volume frame. The calculation is performed in relativistic quantum field theory with particles coupled via a $\lambda \phi^4$ interaction, and we work through order $\lambda^3$. The energy shifts begin at ${\cal O}(1/L^3)$, and we keep subleading terms proportional to $1/L^4$, $1/L^5$ and $1/L^6$. These terms allow a non-trivial check of the results obtained from quantization conditions that hold for arbitrary interactions, namely that of L\"uscher for two particles and our re…
Relating the finite-volume spectrum and the two-and-three-particle S matrix for relativistic systems of identical scalar particles
Working in relativistic quantum field theory, we derive the quantization condition satisfied by coupled two- and three-particle systems of identical scalar particles confined to a cubic spatial volume with periodicity $L$. This gives the relation between the finite-volume spectrum and the infinite-volume $\textbf 2 \to \textbf 2$, $\textbf 2 \to \textbf 3$ and $\textbf 3 \to \textbf 3$ scattering amplitudes for such theories. The result holds for relativistic systems composed of scalar particles with nonzero mass $m$, whose center of mass energy lies below the four-particle threshold, and for which the two-particle $K$ matrix has no singularities below the three-particle threshold. The quan…
Implementing the three-particle quantization condition including higher partial waves
We present an implementation of the relativistic three-particle quantization condition including both $s$- and $d$-wave two-particle channels. For this, we develop a systematic expansion about threshold of the three-particle divergence-free K matrix, $\mathcal{K}_{\mathrm{df,3}}$, which is a generalization of the effective range expansion of the two-particle K matrix, $\mathcal{K}_2$. Relativistic invariance plays an important role in this expansion. We find that $d$-wave two-particle channels enter first at quadratic order. We explain how to implement the resulting multichannel quantization condition, and present several examples of its application. We derive the leading dependence of the …
Applying the relativistic quantization condition to a three-particle bound state in a periodic box
Using our recently developed relativistic three-particle quantization condition, we study the finite-volume energy shift of a spin-zero three-particle bound state. We reproduce the result obtained using non-relativistic quantum mechanics by Meissner, Rios and Rusetsky, and generalize the result to a moving frame.
Expressing the three-particle finite-volume spectrum in terms of the three-to-three scattering amplitude
In this article we complete our formalism relating the finite-volume energy spectrum of a scalar quantum field theory to the three-to-three scattering amplitude, ${\cal M}_3$. In previous work we found a quantization condition relating the spectrum to a non-standard infinite-volume quantity, denoted ${\cal K}_{{\rm df},3}$. Here we present the relation between ${\cal K}_{{\rm df},3}$ and ${\cal M}_3$. We then discuss briefly how our now completed formalism can be practically implemented to extract ${\cal M}_3$ from the finite-volume energy spectrum.
Progress in three-particle scattering from LQCD
We present the status of our formalism for extracting three-particle scattering observables from lattice QCD (LQCD). The method relies on relating the discrete finite-volume spectrum of a quantum field theory with its scattering amplitudes. As the finite-volume spectrum can be directly determined in LQCD, this provides a method for determining scattering observables, and associated resonance properties, from the underlying theory. In a pair of papers published over the last two years, two of us have extended this approach to apply to relativistic three-particle scattering states. In this talk we summarize recent progress in checking and further extending this result. We describe an extensio…
Progress on the three-particle quantization condition
We report progress on extending the relativistic model-independent quantization condition for three particles, derived previously by two of us, to a broader class of theories, as well as progress on checking the formalism. In particular, we discuss the extension to include the possibility of 2->3 and 3->2 transitions and the calculation of the finite-volume energy shift of an Efimov-like three-particle bound state. The latter agrees with the results obtained previously using non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
Numerical exploration of three relativistic particles in a finite volume including two-particle resonances and bound states
In this work, we use an extension of the quantization condition, given in Ref. [1], to numerically explore the finite-volume spectrum of three relativistic particles, in the case that two-particle subsets are either resonant or bound. The original form of the relativistic three-particle quantization condition was derived under a technical assumption on the two-particle K matrix that required the absence of two-particle bound states or narrow two-particle resonances. Here we describe how this restriction can be lifted in a simple way using the freedom in the definition of the K-matrix-like quantity that enters the quantization condition. With this in hand, we extend previous numerical studie…
The Belle II Physics Book
cd. autorów: L. Cao48,‡, G. Caria145,‡, G. Casarosa57,‡, C. Cecchi56,‡,D. Cˇ ervenkov10,‡,M.-C. Chang22,‡, P. Chang92,‡, R. Cheaib146,‡, V. Chekelian83,‡, Y. Chen154,‡, B. G. Cheon28,‡, K. Chilikin77,‡, K. Cho70,‡, J. Choi14,‡, S.-K. Choi27,‡, S. Choudhury35,‡, D. Cinabro170,‡, L. M. Cremaldi146,‡, D. Cuesta47,‡, S. Cunliffe16,‡, N. Dash33,‡, E. de la Cruz Burelo9,‡, E. de Lucia52,‡, G. De Nardo54,‡, †Editor. ‡Belle II Collaborator. §Theory or external contributing author. M. De Nuccio16,‡, G. De Pietro59,‡, A. De Yta Hernandez9,‡, B. Deschamps129,‡, M. Destefanis60,‡, S. Dey116,‡, F.Di Capua54,‡, S.Di Carlo75,‡, J. Dingfelder129,‡, Z. Doležal10,‡, I. Domínguez Jiménez125,‡, T.V. Dong30,26,…