Riccardo Davanzo
Position Statement on Breastfeeding from the Italian Pediatric Societies
The 2015 Position Statement on Breastfeeding of The Italian Pediatric Societies (SIP, SIN, SICupp, SIGENP) recognizes breastfeeding as an healthy behaviour with many short and long term benefits for both mother and infant. While protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding, neonatologists and pediatricians need specific knowledge, skills and a positive attitude toward breastfeeding. In Maternity Hospitals and in Neonatal Units, appropriate organizative interventions should be applied in order to facilitate the beginning of breastfeeding and the use of mother’s/human milk. The Italian Pediatric Societies indicate the desiderable goal of around 6 months exclusive breastfeeding if the in…
Breastfeeding and COVID-19 vaccination: position statement of the Italian scientific societies
AbstractThe availability of a COVID-19 vaccine has raised the issue of its compatibility with breastfeeding. Consequently, the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN), the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP), the Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine (SIMP), the Italian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SIGO), the Italian Association of Hospital Obstetricians-Gynecologists (AOGOI) and the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT) have made an ad hoc consensus statement. Currently, knowledge regarding the administration of COVID-19 vaccine to the breastfeeding mother is limited. Nevertheless, as health benefits of breastfeeding are well demonstrated and since biological pl…