David Dos Santos Ferreira
On Lp resolvent estimates for Laplace–Beltrami operators on compact manifolds
In this article we prove Lp estimates for resolvents of Laplace–Beltrami operators on compact Riemannian manifolds, generalizing results of Kenig, Ruiz and Sogge (1987) in the Euclidean case and Shen (2001) for the torus. We follow Sogge (1988) and construct Hadamard's parametrix, then use classical boundedness results on integral operators with oscillatory kernels related to the Carleson and Sjölin condition. Our initial motivation was to obtain Lp Carleman estimates with limiting Carleman weights generalizing those of Jerison and Kenig (1985); we illustrate the pertinence of Lp resolvent estimates by showing the relation with Carleman estimates. Such estimates are useful in the constructi…
The Calderon problem in transversally anisotropic geometries
We consider the anisotropic Calderon problem of recovering a conductivity matrix or a Riemannian metric from electrical boundary measurements in three and higher dimensions. In the earlier work \cite{DKSaU}, it was shown that a metric in a fixed conformal class is uniquely determined by boundary measurements under two conditions: (1) the metric is conformally transversally anisotropic (CTA), and (2) the transversal manifold is simple. In this paper we will consider geometries satisfying (1) but not (2). The first main result states that the boundary measurements uniquely determine a mixed Fourier transform / attenuated geodesic ray transform (or integral against a more general semiclassical…
The Linearized Calderón Problem in Transversally Anisotropic Geometries
In this article we study the linearized anisotropic Calderon problem. In a compact manifold with boundary, this problem amounts to showing that products of harmonic functions form a complete set. Assuming that the manifold is transversally anisotropic, we show that the boundary measurements determine an FBI type transform at certain points in the transversal manifold. This leads to recovery of transversal singularities in the linearized problem. The method requires a geometric condition on the transversal manifold related to pairs of intersecting geodesics, but it does not involve the geodesic X-ray transform which has limited earlier results on this problem.
On the linearized local Calderón problem
On $L^p$ resolvent estimates for Laplace-Beltrami operators on compact manifolds
Abstract. In this article we prove Lp estimates for resolvents of Laplace–Beltrami operators on compact Riemannian manifolds, generalizing results of Kenig, Ruiz and Sogge (1987) in the Euclidean case and Shen (2001) for the torus. We follow Sogge (1988) and construct Hadamard's parametrix, then use classical boundedness results on integral operators with oscillatory kernels related to the Carleson and Sjölin condition. Our initial motivation was to obtain Lp Carleman estimates with limiting Carleman weights generalizing those of Jerison and Kenig (1985); we illustrate the pertinence of Lp resolvent estimates by showing the relation with Carleman estimates. Such estimates are useful in the …
Determining an unbounded potential from Cauchy data in admissible geometries
In [4 Dos Santos Ferreira , D. , Kenig , C.E. , Salo , M. , Uhlmann , G. ( 2009 ). Limiting Carleman weights and anisotropic inverse problems . Invent. Math. 178 : 119 – 171 . [Crossref], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar] ] anisotropic inverse problems were considered in certain admissible geometries, that is, on compact Riemannian manifolds with boundary which are conformally embedded in a product of the Euclidean line and a simple manifold. In particular, it was proved that a bounded smooth potential in a Schrödinger equation was uniquely determined by the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map in dimensions n ≥ 3. In this article we extend this result to the case of unbounded potentials, namely tho…