Sanda Jēgere

Heart rate and other risk factors in outpatients with stable coronary artery disease in Latvia

Heart rate and other risk factors in outpatients with stable coronary artery disease in Latvia The aim of the study was to characterise coronary artery disease (CAD) outpatients in Latvia by risk factors (RF) including heart rate (HR), physical examination data, clinical data and treatment. Twelve practitioners had each examined and questioned 6 to 12 patients with established CAD (n = 120). The most frequent cardiovascular (CV) RF and co-morbidity were dyslipidemia (94.2%) and hypertension (78.3%), respectively. Prevalence of increased resting HR (≥70 bpm) was 35.9% and 33.6%, when measured by pulse palpation and electrocardiography, respectively. Regarding other RFs, prevalence of treated…

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Invazīvās attēldiagnostikas un funkcionālās izmeklēšanas iespējas mūsdienīgai koronāro artēriju aterosklerotisku bojājumu diagnostikai un ārstēšanai

Darba mērķis. Izvērtēt invazīvo un neinvazīvo diagnostikas metožu lomu dažādas morfoloģijas aterosklerotisko bojājumu identifikācijā, morfoloģiskā, kvantitatīvā un funkcionālā novērtējumā, perkutānas koronāras intervences (PCI) vadībā un tās rezultāta prognozēšanā, kā arī ilgtermiņa efektivitātes novērtēšanā. Atslēgvārdi: ateroskleroze, intravaskulārā ultraskaņa, optiskā koherences tomogrāfija, frakcionētā plūsmas rezerve, datortomogrāfija

research product

Insufficient control of heart rate in stable coronary artery disease patients in Latvia

Background and objective:\ud Heart rate (HR) ≥70 beats per minute (bpm) increases cardiovascular risk in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients. The objective of the analysis is to characterize HR as well as other clinical parameters in outpatients with stable CAD in Latvia.<p></p>\ud \ud Materials and methods:\ud CLARIFY is an ongoing international registry of outpatients with established CAD. Latvian data regarding 120 patients enrolled in CLARIFY and collected at baseline visit during 2009–2010 were analyzed.<p></p>\ud \ud Results:\ud The mean HR was 67.7 ± 9.5 and 66.9 ± 10.7 bpm when measured by pulse palpation and electrocardiography, respectively. HR &#8…

research product

A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study of Cardiovascular Risk Factor in Latvia

Background and Objective. To date, the epidemiological studies of noncommunicable diseases in Latvia were more episodic and covered only selected areas. The first national crosssectional population-based survey of cardiovascular risk factors after regaining independence was carried out to provide reliable information on the cardiovascular risk factor profile in adults. Material and Methods. Computerized random sampling from the Registry of Latvian population was carried out. A total of 6000 enrolled subjects aged 25–74 years were divided into 10 age subgroups. The data of 3807 respondents (63.5% of all) were included into the final analysis. Results. The mean number of cardiovascular risk f…

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