P Dazzan

Gene X cannabis interaction: Case-only design analysis in a first-episode psychosis sample

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Educational achievement, cannabis use, and genotype in predicting psychosis

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Is cerebral asymmetry associated with serotonin transporter in psychosis?

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Background:Despite increasing evidence suggesting that childhood mal-treatment is significantly associated with psychotic disorders, the role ofbullying in the later development of psychosis is still controversial (Kelle-her et al., 2008, Arseneault et al., 2011). Therefore, this study examinedthe prevalence of bullying amongst first-episode psychosis patients andunaffected controlsMethods:Data were collected from 227 first-presentation psychosis casesand 215 geographically-matched controls. Bullying was assessed as partof the Brief Life Events schedule. Patients and controls were shown acard listing 10 adverse events, including “bullying”, “sexual abuse”, “beingexpelled from school”, and a…

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A first episode psychosis case-control genetic association study

Background:GAP(genesandpsychosis) is a case-control studyof first episode psychosis conducted in London and Cambridge, which aims to identify genes conferring susceptibility to psychosis, and associated phenotypes including cognitive dysfunction and cerebral morphology. Methods:First episode psychosis cases have been recruited in South London and Maudsley NHS Trust and in Cambridge. A variety of demographic and clinical data have been collected. In a subset of these, neurocognitive assessments and MRIs have been performed. Samples have been taken for DNA, and in a subset for RNA and proteomic analysis. Genetic association analysis is being undertaken using a candidate gene approach. The gen…

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