Bradley K. Yoder

KIAA0556 is a novel ciliary basal body component mutated in Joubert syndrome

Background Joubert syndrome (JBTS) and related disorders are defined by cerebellar malformation (molar tooth sign), together with neurological symptoms of variable expressivity. The ciliary basis of Joubert syndrome related disorders frequently extends the phenotype to tissues such as the eye, kidney, skeleton and craniofacial structures. Results Using autozygome and exome analyses, we identified a null mutation in KIAA0556 in a multiplex consanguineous family with hallmark features of mild Joubert syndrome. Patient-derived fibroblasts displayed reduced ciliogenesis potential and abnormally elongated cilia. Investigation of disease pathophysiology revealed that Kiaa0556-/- null mice possess…

research product

A ciliopathy complex builds distal appendages to initiate ciliogenesis

ABSTRACTCells inherit two centrioles, the older of which is uniquely capable of generating a cilium. Using proteomics and super-resolved imaging, we identified a module which we term DISCO (DIStal centriole COmplex). DISCO components CEP90, MNR and OFD1 underlie human ciliopathies. This complex localized to both distal centrioles and centriolar satellites, proteinaceous granules surrounding centrioles. Cells and mice lacking CEP90 or MNR did not generate cilia, failed to assemble distal appendages, and did not transduce Hedgehog signals. Disrupting the satellite pools did not affect distal appendage assembly, indicating that it is the centriolar populations of MNR and CEP90 that are critica…

research product

Non-essential role for cilia in coordinating precise alignment of lens fibres

The primary cilium, a microtubule-based organelle found in most cells, is a centre for mechano-sensing fluid movement and cellular signalling, notably through the Hedgehog pathway. We recently found that each lens fibre cell has an apically situated primary cilium that is polarised to the side of the cell facing the anterior pole of the lens. The direction of polarity is similar in neighbouring cells so that in the global view, lens fibres exhibit planar cell polarity (PCP) along the equatorial-anterior polar axis. Ciliogenesis has been associated with the establishment of PCP, although the exact relationship between PCP and the role of cilia is still controversial. To test the hypothesis t…

research product