Gérard Chazal
Quelques remarques sur la notion de biodiversité
International audience
Voyages scientifiques et découverte de l’Autre : l’élan et l’héritage du siècle des Lumières
International audience
Philosophie de la machine, néo-mécanisme et post-humanisme
International audience
Les médiations théoriques
Valeurs des sciences
La machine comme miroir de l'homme
The Bachelardian Tradition in the Philosophy of Science
To present either Bachelard's epistemology or philosophy of science means, in some ways, to undertake the characterization of an original philosophical approach, one that perhaps begins with August...
Clôture et ouverture des dispositifs interfaciels
The Bachelardian tradition in the philosophy of science
International audience
Le philosophe et l’automate
International audience
Cosmologie et scientificité
La notion d’information et le matérialisme
International audience
Mathématisation du sensible
Logiques non-standard
Des robots et des hommes
Philosophy and Technology in the French Tradition. The Legacy of François Dagognet
In opposition to philosophers focused on the intimacy of the subject, a number of French philosophers were more concerned with understanding the objective world as it is, and as we built it. In this respect, technology as an historical process, ending up in a set of objects and practices, affords a worthwhile ground for developing such world-oriented philosophical reflections. This paper provides a survey of this philosophical landscape with a special emphasis on the pro-eminent role of Francois Dagognet who pioneered a material and object philosophy in France.
Visions du monde
Violence et images du corps
International audience