L. Gianguzzi

Viola ucriana. – In PASTA S., PEREZ-GRABER A., FAZAN L. & MONTMOLLIN B. DE (Eds), The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants, UPDATE 2017: http://top50.iucn-mpsg.org/species/15. IUCN/SSC/ Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group. Neuchâtel (Switzerland). E-book and on line. 141 pp. top50.iucn-mpsg.org.

research product

1240 Scogliere con vegetazione delle coste mediterranee con Limonium spp. endemici

research product

Plant communities and landscape diversity in NW Sicily: The MEMOLA EU FP7 Project case study

The MEMOLA EU FP7 Project case study” was presented at IV International Plant Science Conference (IPSC) held in Parma (Italy) on September 20-22, 2017. The poster focuses on the contribution of botany in the interdisciplinary debate of Memola Project and underline the role plant communities play in understanding the formative processes of the Mediterranean Landscapes.

research product

The SISV support to the implementation of a national manual for monitoring the Habitats of the 92/43/EEC Directive in Italy.

The 4th National Report ex Art. 17 of the 92/43/EEC Directive in Italy (period 2013-2018) will try to fill a number of gaps still affecting the former versions of the Italian Reports, where territorial data were still missing for large parts of the country and the assessment was mostly based on the use of the expert opinion. Similar inconsistencies also emerged in other European countries (State of nature in the EU, EEA 2015). In order to reach this aim, a nationally shared protocol for monitoring the vegetation-based Annex I Habitats is currently under development. The most prominent issues addressed by the ongoing project are: i) fixing standardized, updated and scientifically grounded me…

research product

Guida alle escursioni sulla vegetazione delle Alte Madonie

research product

Hieracium lucidum. – In PASTA S., PEREZ-GRABER A., FAZAN L. & MONTMOLLIN B. DE (Eds), The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants, UPDATE 2017: http://top50.iucn-mpsg.org/species/15. IUCN/SSC/ Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group. Neuchâtel (Switzerland). E-book and on line. 141 pp. top50.iucn-mpsg.org

research product

Bupleurum dianthifolium. – In PASTA S., PEREZ-GRABER A., FAZAN L. & MONTMOLLIN B. DE (Eds), The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants, UPDATE 2017: http://top50.iucn-mpsg.org/species/15. IUCN/SSC/ Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group. Neuchâtel (Switzerland). E-book and on line. 141 pp. top50.iucn-mpsg.org.

research product

First overview on the 4th Annex I Habitats Report in Italy: methods, criticality, results and future prospects

Segnalazioni varie

research product

Phytosociological analysis of the Genista sp. pl. garrigues of the Cisto-Lavanduletea and Rosmarinetea officinalis classes in the South-Tyrrhenian area (Mediterranean Region)

The study reviews the Genista sp. pl. garrigues ascribable to the classes Cisto-Lavanduletea (acidophilous communities on volcanics and quartzarenites) and Rosmarinetea officinalis (basiphilous communities on calcareous and calcareous-dolomite substrates), in the southern territories of the Italo-Tyrrhenian Province. The floristic-synecological characterization of the identified coenoses led to the description and/or redefinition of various new syntaxa. They are distributed in the two new suballiances Calicotomo villosae–Genistenion tyrrhenae and Genisto aristatae–Calicotomenion infestae of the class Cisto-Lavanduletea (Lavanduletalia stoechadis and Calicotomo villosae–Genistion tyrrhenae),…

research product

Phytosociological analysis of the Genista sp. pl. garrigues of the Cisto-Lavanduletea and Rosmarineteaofficinalis classes in the South-Tyrrhenian area (Mediterranean Region)

The study reviews the Genista sp. pl. garrigues ascribable to the classes Cisto-Lavanduletea (acidophilous communities on volcanics and quartzarenites) and Rosmarineteaofficinalis (basiphilous communities on calcareous and calcareous-dolomite substrates), in the southern territories of the Italo-Tyrrhenian Province. The floristic-synecological characterization of the identified coenoses led to the description and/or redefinition of various new syntaxa. They are distributed in the two new suballiances Calicotomovillosae–Genisteniontyrrhenae and Genistoaristatae–Calicotomenioninfestae of the class Cisto-Lavanduletea (Lavanduletaliastoechadis and Calicotomovillosae–Genistiontyrrhenae), and in …

research product