A. La Mantia

Viola ucriana. – In PASTA S., PEREZ-GRABER A., FAZAN L. & MONTMOLLIN B. DE (Eds), The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants, UPDATE 2017: http://top50.iucn-mpsg.org/species/15. IUCN/SSC/ Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group. Neuchâtel (Switzerland). E-book and on line. 141 pp. top50.iucn-mpsg.org.

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Case report di emangioma iuxtapapillare sporadico

research product

Primi casi di “imbrancamento” di tortora selvatica (Streptopelia turtur (Linnaeus, 1758)) con tortore dal collare (Streptopelia decaocto Frivaldszky, 1838).

La Tortora selvatica (Streptopelia turtur) come conferma il nome è una specie che non mostra mai comportamenti antropofili, tuttavia sono stati osservati due casi nei quali la tortora selvatica, assieme alle tortore dal collare, si avvicinava all’uomo per nutrirsi.

research product

Hieracium lucidum. – In PASTA S., PEREZ-GRABER A., FAZAN L. & MONTMOLLIN B. DE (Eds), The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants, UPDATE 2017: http://top50.iucn-mpsg.org/species/15. IUCN/SSC/ Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group. Neuchâtel (Switzerland). E-book and on line. 141 pp. top50.iucn-mpsg.org

research product

Bupleurum dianthifolium. – In PASTA S., PEREZ-GRABER A., FAZAN L. & MONTMOLLIN B. DE (Eds), The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants, UPDATE 2017: http://top50.iucn-mpsg.org/species/15. IUCN/SSC/ Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group. Neuchâtel (Switzerland). E-book and on line. 141 pp. top50.iucn-mpsg.org.

research product

L’importanza delle zone umide artificiali della Sicilia occidentale per la conservazione degli uccelli acquatici in Sicilia

research product

Flogosi post-trapianto di cornea

Il Trapianto di Cornea, o Cheratoplastica, che prevede la sostituzione sub-totale della cornea mediante un innesto circolare di tessuto omologo (lembo), rappresenta la procedura d’elezione per il trattamento di diverse patologie corneali congenite o acquisite. Se ne discutono tutti i determinanti e le prospettive.

research product


Caprimulgus europaeus In recent years Update on the distribution of breeding Nightjar in Sicily. there have been numerous observations of Nightjar in areas where it had never previously been observed. In some cases the reason may be a deeper exploration, but in other cases the possible explanation is the expansion of the species. However, it is quite interesting the change in the habitat by this species. The present paper provides an update of its status based on data collected in the fifteen years following the publication of the last Sicilian Atlas of breeding birds.

research product

Contributo alla conoscenza della vegetazione e del paesaggio vegetale della Riserva Naturale “Monte Cofano” (Sicilia occidentale).

It is here presented the results of a study of the phytosociological and plant landscape of Mount Cofano Natural Reserve (Custonaci, Trapani) together with a cartographic representation to a scale of 1:10000 (reduced to a scale of 1:20000). The studied area is localised along the western side of Sicily island and it is spread out for 537,5 ha, dominated by Mt. Cofano rocky promontory (659 mts.), regarded as one of the most interesting biotopes of the regional territory linked to its floristic, zoological and environmental features. From a geolithological point of view, the area is characterized by carbonathic substrata relative to Monte Sparacio-Monte Cofano and Monte Speziale-Monte Palatim…

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