Anne Philippe
Statistical inference and Monte Carlo algorithms
This review article looks at a small part of the picture of the interrelationship between statistical theory and computational algorithms, especially the Gibbs sampler and the Accept-Reject algorithm. We pay particular attention to how the methodologies affect and complement each other.
Genetic counselling difficulties and ethical implications of incidental findings from array-CGH: a 7-year national survey
Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) is commonly used in diagnosing patients with intellectual disability (ID) with or without congenital malformation. Because aCGH interrogates with the whole genome, there is a risk of being confronted with incidental findings (IF). In order to anticipate the ethical issues of IF with the generalization of new genome-wide analysis technologies, we questioned French clinicians and cytogeneticists about the situations they have faced regarding IF from aCGH. Sixty-five IF were reported. Forty corresponded to autosomal dominant diseases with incomplete penetrance, 7 to autosomal dominant diseases with complete penetrance, 14 to X-linked di…