Carsten Schöllner
Lithotripsie bei femoralen oder tibialen Pseudarthrosen
Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen eines Vortrags bei der Unfallmedizinischen Tagung des Landesverbandes Rheinland-Westfalen der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften wurden die Vor- und Nachteile der Stoswellentherapie bei Patienten mit Pseudarthrosen der langen Rohrenknochen diskutiert. Unter strengen Selektionskriterien wurde eine Erfolgsquote von 70% erzielt. Patienten mit einer positiven Szintigraphie sowie nach Osteotomie schnitten am besten ab. Bei ausgewahlten Pseudarthosen mus die Rolle einer chirurgischen Revision in Zukunft sorgfaltiger bedacht werden, solange komplikationsfreie nicht-operative Alternativen wie zum Beispiel die Extrakorporale Stoswellentherapie, bereitstehen.
High-energy extracorporeal shock wave treatment of nonunions.
Forty-three consecutive patients who did not have healing of tibial or femoral diaphyseal and metaphyseal fractures and osteotomies for at least 9 months after injury or surgery were examined prospectively for use of high-energy extracorporeal shock waves. Former treatment modalities (cast, external fixator, plate osteosynthesis, limitation of weightbearing) remained unchanged. In all cases a 99m Technetium dicarboxyphosphonate regional two-phase bone scintigraphy was performed before one treatment with 3000 impulses of an energy flux density of 0.6 mJ/mm 2 . Radiologic and clinical followups were done at 4-week intervals starting 8 weeks after shock wave treatment. The success criterion wa…
The impact of Syme amputation in surgical treatment of patients with diabetic foot syndrome and Charcot-neuro-osteoarthropathy
Charcot-neuro-osteoarthropathy with its severe destruction of bones remains a challenge for physicians and surgeons. The aim of the study was to characterise a patient population treated in a specialised foot care centre who underwent surgical treatment for their diabetic foot syndrome. Special attention was paid to patients who suffered from Charcot-neuro-osteoarthropathy and the impact of Syme amputation if amputation of the foot was inevitable. A total of 121 patients with diabetic foot syndrome and ulcerations underwent an interdisciplinary strategy for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including MRI and surgical interventions. If peripheral arterial vessel disease was present, reva…
The Artek cup for total hip replacement of dysplastic hip joints.
One specific difficulty in total hip replacement for developmental dysplasia of the hip is a shallow acetabulum with a short anteroposterior diameter. In a prospective cohort study we investigated the short-term results of the Artek cup, designed with a shallow outline and a height-reduced metal inlay for a large size 38 mm metal head, in a group of female patients with mild dysplasia of the hip.Fourteen consecutive patients with 17 dysplastic hip joints were included in the study. Their average age was 42 years. Fourteen hips had dysplasia Crowe grade I; 3 hips had dysplasia Crowe grade II. The femoral head centre was localized according to Pagnano in zone 1 in 3 cases, in zone 3 in 6 case…