The carbonates of the Permian Lakes of North Massif central, France
During the Permian, large fluvio-lacustrine basins occurred within the West European Hercynian chain. The deposits were mainly detrital (conglomerates, sandstones and pelites). The two studied sites, Couy borehole and Aumance basin contain several dolomitic beds alternating with pelites containing Ostracods. The carbonate layers constitute various dolomitized facies with dolosparite, laminated and bituminous dolomites, oolites, oncolites and stromatolites, and pedological nodules. Microfacies are varied. The dolomite crystals can be either isolated rhombs scattered in pelites or rhombs and xenomorphic crystals cementing sandstones; in dolomicrites, dolomicrosparites and dolosparites, crysta…