Cecilia Ceccarelli
Rotational excitation of mono- and doubly-deuterated water by hydrogen molecules
Rate coefficients for rotational transitions in HDO and D2O induced by H2 collisions below 300 K are presented. Calculations have been performed at the close-coupling and coupledstates levels with the deuterated variants of the H2O–H2 interaction potential of Valiron et al. The HDO–H2 and D2O–H2 rate coefficients are compared to the corresponding rate coefficients for HDO–He and H2O–H2, respectively. Significant differences are observed. In particular the new HDO rate coefficients are found to be significantly larger (by up to three orders of magnitude) than the corresponding HDO–He rate coefficients. The impact of the new HDO rate coefficients is examined with the help of non-LTE radiative…
The dance of elements in space: from clouds to planets, from atoms to life
Este artículo describe el camino recorrido por los átomos creados en el interior de las estrellas, que uniéndose entre sí forman moléculas cada vez más complejas a medida que una estrella como el sol y su sistema planetario se forman. Empezando por una mera nube de gas difuso compuesto por átomos flotantes, han hecho falta 4500 millones de años para construir el Sistema Solar, culminando con la más compleja estructura molecular conocida en el Universo: la vida.