Antoine Flahault
Editorial: Why do We Choose to Address Health 2020?
Recommended Citation: Flahault A, Martin-Moreno JM. Why do we choose to address health 2020? Public Health Reviews. 2013;35: epub ahead of print.What can we predict for 2020? Solar and lunar eclipses? Without a doubt. Climate change? Most likely. Rising sea levels? Signs point to yes. Beyond that, however, in the world of human events, it is best to be cautious. In the field of health and medicine (or anywhere else, for that matter), no one predicted the most important discoveries of the twentieth century. Economists were no more successful in foreseeing financial or economic crises. The pundits did not forecast any of the recent wars, disruptions or even the recent Arab Spring movements-in…
Virus diversity in a winter epidemic of acute diarrhea in France.
ABSTRACT In France, an epidemic peak of acute diarrhea is observed each winter. Previous results suggested a viral etiology for these winter epidemics. We investigated the role of enteric viruses in acute diarrhea and their molecular diversity. One hundred sixty-one patients with acute diarrhea and 45 healthy patients (controls) from the general population were given a standardized questionnaire between December 1998 and May 1999. Stool specimens were screened for group A and C rotaviruses, human caliciviruses, astroviruses, and adenovirus types 40 and 41 by reverse transcription-PCR and/or enzyme immunoassay. Virologic analysis was positive for 63 cases (39%). Caliciviruses and group A rot…