Per Ahlberg

ParadoxidesbrachyrhachisLinnarsson, 1883 versusParadoxidesmediterraneusPompeckj, 1901: a problematic determination

A revision of paradoxidid trilobites reveals that previous identifications of specimens from Sardinia and Spain as the Nordic trilobite species Paradoxides brachyrhachis Linnarsson, 1883, are mistaken. The southern species, occurring also in France, is here referred to Eccaparadoxides mediterraneus (Pompeckj, 1901). Main differences are seen in the preocular field, pleural furrow and pygidium. The species P. brachyrhachis is referred with question to the genus Mawddachites Fletcher 2007.

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Bradoriid Arthropods from the Lower-Middle Cambrian of Scania, Sweden

Three species of bradoriid arthropods from the lower to middle Cambrian transitional interval of Scania, southern Sweden, are described and illustrated: Beyrichona tinea from the top of the traditional lower Cambrian (Gislov Formation; Ornamentaspis? linnarssoni Zone), and Hipponicharion eos and Alutella sp. from the basal portion of the traditional middle Cambrian (lowermost part of the Alum Shale Formation). The bradoriid fauna compares most closely with others previously described from western and eastern Avalonia (New Brunswick and England). The record of B. tinea suggests a correlation between the “Protolenus Zone” (Hupeolenus Zone) of western Avalonia and the O.? linnarssoni Zone of S…

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Challenges in defining the base of Cambrian Series 2 and Stage 3

Formal subdivision of the Cambrian System into four series and ten stages is in progress. The base of Cambrian Stage 3 (provisional), which is conterminous with the base of Cambrian Series 2 (provisional), is expected to be placed at a horizon close to the first appearance of trilobites, which marks the onset of the largest phase of the Cambrian explosion. Conceptually, an ideal boundary position would be marked by a significant and globally recognizable bioevent that divides the lower part of the Cambrian System into a sub-trilobitic Terreneuvian Series and a trilobite-dominated Series 2. If the level is to be identified principally through biostratigraphic means, its position also needs t…

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A blind trilobite with Baltic affinities from Cambrian Series 3 of the Iberian Chains, Spain, and its stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical significance

Three cranidia of a conocoryphid trilobite are described from the lower Caesaraugustan Regional Stage (upper part of provisional Cambrian Stage 5 within Cambrian Series 3) in the Iberian Chains, Spain. The material is from the upper part of the Mansilla Formation and the base of the overlying Murero Formation. It closely resembles Bailiella tenuicincta (Linnarsson, 1879), which has previously been described from the Ptychagnostus gibbus (Cambrian Stage 5) and lower P. atavus zones (lower Drumian Stage) of Baltica (Sweden and Bornholm), and from the P. atavus Zone of West Avalonia (Newfoundland). The record of B. cf. tenuicincta from the Mediterranean margin of West Gondwana provides additio…

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