The disintegrin ADAM9 indirectly contributes to the physiological processing of cellular prion by modulating ADAM10 activity
The cellular prion protein (PrP(c)) is physiologically cleaved in the middle of its 106-126 amino acid neurotoxic region at the 110/111 downward arrow112 peptidyl bond, yielding an N-terminal fragment referred to as N1. We recently demonstrated that two disintegrins, namely ADAM10 and ADAM17 (TACE, tumor necrosis factor alpha converting enzyme) participated in both constitutive and protein kinase C-regulated generation of N1, respectively. These proteolytic events were strikingly reminiscent of those involved in the so-called "alpha-secretase pathway" that leads to the production of secreted sAPPalpha from betaAPP. We show here, by transient and stable transfection analyses, that ADAM9 also…