Abrahamsson Pekka
100+ Metrics for Software Startups : A Multi-Vocal Literature Review
Metrics can be used by businesses to make more objective decisions based on data. Software startups in particular are characterized by the uncertain or even chaotic nature of the contexts in which they operate. Using data in the form of metrics can help software startups to make the right decisions amidst uncertainty and limited resources. However, whereas conventional business metrics and software metrics have been studied in the past, metrics in the spe-cific context of software startup are not widely covered within academic literature. To promote research in this area and to create a starting point for it, we have conducted a multi-vocal literature review focusing on practitioner literat…
Ethically Aligned Design of Autonomous Systems : Industry Viewpoint and an Empirical Study
Progress in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been accelerating rapidly in the past two decades. Various autonomous systems from purely digital ones to autonomous vehicles are being developed and deployed out on the field. As these systems exert a growing impact on society, ethics in relation to artificial intelligence and autonomous systems have recently seen growing attention among academia. However, the current literature on the topic has focused largely on theoretical contributions, and there is a gap between research and practice in the area. Though this gap has been acknowledged in existing studies, the exact issues resulting in this gap remain blurred. In order to better …
Time for AI (Ethics) maturity model is now
Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). There appears to be a common agreement that ethical concerns are of high importance when it comes to systems equipped with some sort of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Demands for ethical AI are declared from all directions. As a response, in recent years, public bodies, governments, and universities have rushed in to provide a set of principles to be considered when AI based systems are designed and used. We have learned, however, that high-level principles do not turn easily into actionable advice for practitioners. Hence, also companie…