Jan Svennevig

Collaborative storytelling with a person with aphasia - Promoting agency in a multiparty interaction

Introduction: This study explores practices employed by a person with aphasia (PWA) and his wife to organize collaborative storytelling in a multiparty interaction. We identify practices that further the PWA’s agency – his impact on action – while he is telling a story together with his wife. Method: Using conversation analysis (CA), we carried out a case study of a successful storytelling sequence involving a 39-year-old man with anomic aphasia during a conversation with friends. Analysis: The PWA contributed to the storytelling by initiating the story sequence and by producing short but significant utterances in which he provided essential information and displayed epistemic authority. Th…

research product

Uformelt talespråk

Det uformelle talespråket er noe av det som forandrer seg mest og raskest i språket. De mest aktive endringsagentene her er ungdommene. De bringer nye ord inn i språket i form av slang, og de utvider bruksmåten til eksisterende småord, som for eksempel liksom og bare. Dette kapittelet beskriver hvordan ord og uttrykk i det uformelle talespråket oppstår, utvikler seg og i noen tilfeller forsvinner igjen. Både slang og banning sier mye om generelle utviklingstendenser i samfunnet i sin helhet. Utviklingen av slang viser i stor grad hvilke språk og kulturer som har innflytelse på ungdommer i ulike perioder, og banning gir et innblikk i hvilke emneområder som oppfattes som tabu til ulike tider.…

research product

Fostering Storytelling by Persons with Dementia in Multiparty Conversation

Persons with dementia (PWDs) frequently find that communicative and cognitive problems may get in the way of participating in a multiparty conversation on a par with their healthy interlocutors. Such troubles may lead to their gradual withdrawal from involvement in the conversation and, if allowed to develop into a pattern, to even greater reductions in engagement in social interaction as a whole. This chapter describes strategies used by interlocutors to foster storytelling by PWDs and thus to counter this development. It investigates two extended cases from two very different types of interaction—an informal sociable lunchtime conversation with friends and a weekly meeting of an early mem…

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How to do things with signs. The formulation of directives on signs in public spaces

Abstract This paper analyzes signs and written messages aimed at regulating people's behavior in public spaces. Based on a collection of more than 700 verbal and pictographic signs, the paper focuses on how the formulation of the directives reflect and construct the authors' deontic authority, how they account for the social legitimacy of the directive and how they seek to evoke the addressee's goodwill and cooperativeness. The analysis shows that the author's entitlement to perform the directive may be grounded in references to institutional authority, or that it may be manifested in the linguistic or pictographic expression itself, such as use of imperative mode, exclamation marks, or thr…

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