Effects of gemfibrozil on insulin sensitivity and on haemostatic variables in hypertriglyceridemic patients.
In order to assess the efficacy of gemfibrozil on lipid and haemostatic parameters in patients with plurimetabolic syndrome, a multicenter double-blind placebo controlled, parallel study was carried out in 56 patients with primary hypertriglyceridemia and glucose intolerance. These patients had elevated PAI activity and antigen and t-PA antigen levels at rest and after venous occlusion. Gemfibrozil reduced plasma triglyceride levels (P0.001), whereas it increased free fatty acids (P0.05) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (P0.05). In those patients reaching normalization of plasma triglyceride levels (triglyceride reductionor =50%) (n=15), insulin levels (P0.05) as well as the …