Tanja Hüsch
Persistent storage symptoms after TURP can be predicted with a nomogram derived from the ice water test
PURPOSE To predict the persistence of storage symptoms after transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) using a nomogram derived from the ice water test (IWT). METHODS The IWTs of 73 men with lower urinary tract symptoms and prostatic bladder outlet obstruction were retrospectively analyzed. The strength of the detrusor contraction was approximated by using the detrusor gradient of Δpdet /Δt at maximum detrusor pressure and the area under the curve. The parameters were utilized in a nomogram, which facilitated a severity categorization from 1 to 10. Patients with a positive IWT in the categories 1 to 2 were assigned to group A, categories 3 to 4 to group B and categories 5 and higher to…
Targeting Moderate and Severe Male Stress Urinary Incontinence With Adjustable Male Slings and the Perineal Artificial Urinary Sphincter: Focus on Perioperative Complications and Device Explantations.
Purpose: To analyze perioperative complications and postoperative explantation rates for selected readjustable male sling systems and the perineal single-cuff artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) in a large, contemporary, multi-institutional patient cohort. Methods: Two hundred eighty-two male patients who underwent implantation between 2010 and 2012 in 13 participating institutions were included in the study (n = 127 adjustable male sling [n = 95 Argus classic, n = 32 Argus T], n = 155 AUS). Perioperative characteristics and postoperative complications were analyzed. The explantation rates of the respective devices were assessed using the Fisher exact test and the Mann-Whitney U-test. A Kapl…
Ice water test in multiple sclerosis: A pilot trial.
OBJECTIVES To investigate the significance of the ice water test in patients with multiple sclerosis and to evaluate a novel ice water test nomogram in a large patient cohort. METHODS A total of 201 ice water tests of patients with multiple sclerosis were retrospectively evaluated. Incontinence episodes in 24 h and sex were correlated with the ice water test. Furthermore, an ice water test nomogram was developed in order to categorize the detrusor overactivity in severity degrees. Descriptive statistics were carried out for population characteristics. Correlations of categorical variables were calculated by the χ2 -test. The independent t-test was carried out for correlations of continuous …
The TiLOOP® Male Sling: Did We Forejudge.
<b><i>Introduction:</i></b> To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the TiLOOP® male sling (pfm medical, Cologne, Germany) used in the treatment for male stress urinary incontinence (SUI). <b><i>Material and Methods:</i></b> We retrospectively evaluated a total of 34 patients with a TiLOOP® male sling. Perioperative complication rates were assessed and validated questionnaires were prospectively evaluated to assess quality of life and satisfaction rate. Outcome and complication rates were analysed by using descriptive statistics. Correlation of continence outcome and risk factors was performed with the chi-square test. A <i>p</i> va…
Konservative urogynäkologische Therapie
Die Pessar-Therapie ist ein einfaches und schnell verfugbares Verfahren zur Reposition eines Genitalprolaps. Voraussetzung fur einen erfolgreichen Einsatz sind lediglich eine ausreichende Scheidenlange sowie ein suffizienter Beckenbodentonus. Die haufigsten Komplikationen umfassen u. a. eine Vaginitis, Kolpitis, Erosionen oder auch eine okkulte Belastungsinkontinenz. Dennoch sind die Komplikationen uberwiegend reversibel und lassen sich durch regelmasige Kontrollen oftmals vermeiden oder zuverlassig behandeln. Schwerwiegende Komplikationen sind zumeist durch Anwendungsfehler aufgrund unregelmasiger Pessar-Wechsel oder fehlender Kontrolluntersuchungen bedingt.
High/low-volume center experience predicts outcome of AMS 800 in male stress incontinence: Results of a large middle European multicenter case series.
AIM To analyze the influence of implantation volume of artificial sphincters (AMS 800) on outcome in a large central European multicenter cohort study. METHODS As part of the DOMINO (Debates on Male Incontinence) project, the surgical procedures and outcomes were retrospectively analyzed in a total of 473 patients who received an artificial sphincter (AMS 800) between 2010 and 2012. Clinics that implanted at least 10 AMS 800 per year were defined as high-volume centers. RESULTS Sixteen centers had a mean rate of 9.54 AMS 800/y of which five clinics were identified as high-volume centers. They implanted significantly more double cuffs (55% vs 12.1%; P < .001), used the perineal approach sign…
Harninkontinenz beim Mann – Ursachen, Diagnostik und Therapie
Zusammenfassung. Dieser Übersichtsartikel beleuchtet den aktuellen Kenntnisstand zur Ätiologie, Diagnostik und Therapie der Harninkontinenz des Mannes. In der Ätiologie der Harninkontinenz beim Mann spielt die radikale Prostatektomie eine herausragende Rolle, aber auch das benigne Prostatasyndrom, neurologische Erkrankungen oder metabolische Störungen können zu einer Harninkontinenz beim Mann führen. In der Diagnostik ist neben der Basisdiagnostik eine qualifizierte urodynamische Beurteilung unabdingbar, um die zugrunde liegenden pathophysiologischen Mechanismen aufzudecken und Chancen und Risiken der verfügbaren Therapie- bzw. Operationstechniken abschätzen zu können. Die Primärtherapie d…
Current Management of Post-radical Prostatectomy Urinary Incontinence
Frontiers in surgery 8, 647656 (2021). doi:10.3389/fsurg.2021.647656 special issue: "Sequelae of Prostate Cancer Therapy: Avoidance strategies and management options / Edited by: clemens M. Rosenbaum, Felix Campos-Juanatey, Luis A. Kluth"
A Nomogram to Characterize the Severity of Detrusor Overactivity during the Ice Water Test: Description of the Method and Proof of Concept
<b><i>Aims:</i></b> To develop a nomogram with severity categories for detrusor overactivity (DO). <b><i>Methods:</i></b> By conducting ice water tests (IWT) in 55 patients with Parkinson’s disease, we identified criteria to describe characteristics of the detrusor pressure curves: (1) a gradient of Δ<i>pdet</i> over Δt at the maximum detrusor pressure and (2) the area under the curve. In a nomogram, 10 severity categories of DO were established: 1 and 2 were assigned to group A (mild), 3 and 4 to group B (moderate) and 5–10 to group C (severe). <b><i>Results:</i></b> In the nomogram, negative IWT (20) appea…
Risk Factors for Failure of Male Slings and Artificial Urinary Sphincters: Results from a Large Middle European Cohort Study.
<b><i>Introduction:</i></b> We analysed the impact of predefined risk factors: age, diabetes, history of pelvic irradiation, prior surgery for stress urinary incontinence (SUI), prior urethral stricture, additional procedure during SUI surgery, duration of incontinence, ASA-classification and cause for incontinence on failure and complications in male SUI surgery. <b><i>Materials and Methods:</i></b> We retrospectively identified 506 patients with an artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) and 513 patients with a male sling (MS) in a multicenter cohort study. Complication rates were correlated to the risk factors in univariate analysis. Subsequentl…
sE-cadherin is upregulated in serum of patients with renal cell carcinoma and promotes tumor cell dissemination in vitro
Abstract Introduction Cadherin family proteins are involved in the tumorigenesis of several malignancies. However, their significance in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has not been extensively investigated. The current study investigates the potential of several cadherins to perform as biomarkers for tumor detection and exert functional RCC activity. Methods Pre- and postoperative concentrations of sE-cadherin, cadherin-6, N-cadherin, cadherin-11, cadherin-17, and cadherin-5 were measured in serum of patients undergoing surgery for RCC and correlated to clinical and histopathological parameters. Control serum was obtained from healthy volunteers. A498 and Caki-1 cells were incubated with sE-cad…
Die bipolare Stimulation kann die Erfolgsrate des Peripheren Nervenevaluationstests der sakralen Neuromodulation verbessern
Zusammenfassung Fragestellung Die vorliegende Studie vergleicht die unipolare und die bipolare Stimulationstechnik während des Peripheren Nervenevaluationstestes der Sakralen Neuromodulation in einer Kohorte von 100 Patienten mit nicht-neurogenen und neurogenen Harntraktfunktionsstörungen und überprüft die Hypothese, dass die bipolare Technik der unipolaren bezogen auf die Testeffektivität überlegen ist. Material und Methoden In diese Fall-Kontroll-Studie wurden 43 Patienten mit biopolarer und 57 Patienten mit unipolarer Stimulation eingeschlossen. Für die bipolare Stimulation wurden vier Elektroden an S3 und S4 beidseits platziert und die Elektroden von S3 und S4 jeder Seite elektrisch ver…
Fixed or adjustable sling in the treatment of male stress urinary incontinence: results from a large cohort study
BACKGROUND: Fixed and adjustable male slings for the treatment of male urinary stress incontinence became increasingly popular during the last decade. Although fixed slings are recommended for the treatment of mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence, there is still a lack of evidence regarding the precise indication for an adjustable male sling. Furthermore, there is still no evidence that one type of male sling is superior to another. However, both, adjustable and fixed slings, are commonly utilized in daily clinical practice. This current investigation aims to evaluate the differences between fixed and adjustable male slings regarding indications, complication rates and functional ou…
Antibiotic Coating of the Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AMS 800): Is it Worthwhile?
Objective To investigate the impact of the antibiotic coating InhibiZone on the infection and explantation rates of the AMS 800 in comparison to the AMS 800 without InhibiZone. Materials and Methods We retrospectively identified 305 patients with an AMS 800 in a multicenter cohort study. Patients were subsequently divided into InhibiZone and without InhibiZone-coated groups. Infection and explantation rates were analyzed by univariate and consecutively by multivariate logistic regression adjusted to variable risk factors. The infection-free interval was estimated by Kaplan-Meier plot and compared by the log-rank test. A P value below .05 was considered statistically significant. Results We …
The impact of perioperative complications on favorable outcomes after artificial urinary sphincter implantation for post-prostatectomy incontinence
ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the effect of perioperative complications involving artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) implantation on rates of explantation and continence as well as health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Materials and methods Inclusion criteria encompassed non-neurogenic, moderate-to-severe stress urinary incontinence (SUI) post radical prostatectomy and primary implantation of an AUS performed by a high-volume surgeon (>100 previous implantations). Reporting complications followed the validated Clavien-Dindo scale and Martin criteria. HRQOL was assessed by the validated IQOL score, continence by the validated ICIQ-SF score. Statistical analysis included Chi (2) test, M…
The impact of perioperative complications on favorable outcomes after artificial urinary sphincter implantation for post-prostatectomy incontinence
ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the effect of perioperative complications involving artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) implantation on rates of explantation and continence as well as health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Materials and methods Inclusion criteria encompassed non-neurogenic, moderate-to-severe stress urinary incontinence (SUI) post radical prostatectomy and primary implantation of an AUS performed by a high-volume surgeon (>100 previous implantations). Reporting complications followed the validated Clavien-Dindo scale and Martin criteria. HRQOL was assessed by the validated IQOL score, continence by the validated ICIQ-SF score. Statistical analysis included Chi (2) test…