Joy Ngo

Overview of methods used to evaluate the adequacy of nutrient intakes for individuals and populations

The objective of the present paper is to review the methods of measuring micronutrient intake adequacy for individuals and for populations in order to ascertain best practice. A systematic review was conducted to locate studies on the methodological aspects of measuring nutrient adequacy. The results showed that for individuals, qualitative methods (to find probability of adequacy) and quantitative methods (to find confidence of adequacy) have been proposed for micronutrients where there is enough data to set an average nutrient requirement (ANR). If micronutrients do not have ANR, an adequate intake (AI) is often defined and can be used to assess adequacy, provided the distribution of dail…

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A review of the use of information and communication technologies for dietary assessment.

Presently used dietary-assessment methods often present difficulties for researchers and respondents, and misreporting errors are common. Methods using information and communication technologies (ICT) may improve quality and accuracy. The present paper presents a systematic literature review describing studies applying ICT to dietary assessment. Eligible papers published between January 1995 and February 2008 were classified into four assessment categories: computerised assessment; personal digital assistants (PDA); digital photography; smart cards. Computerised assessments comprise frequency questionnaires, 24 h recalls (24HR) and diet history assessments. Self-administered computerised as…

research product

How is the adequacy of micronutrient intake assessed across Europe? A systematic literature review.

EURopean micronutrient RECommendations Aligned is a network of excellence funded by the European commission, and established to address the problem of differences between countries in micronutrient recommendations as well as to understand how nutritional information including requirements and adequacy of intake is processed among different population groups. The aims of the present paper were to review the methods used for the adequacy assessment of the intake of six micronutrients of public health concern (vitamin A, folate, vitamin B12, Fe, Zn and iodine) in non-European and European nutrition surveys carried out on the apparently healthy population and to compare in particular the adequa…

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