Juliana-de Noronha-santos Netto
Geographic stomatitis: An enigmatic condition with multiple clinical presentations
Geographic stomatitis is an uncommon inflammatory condition of unknown etiology. It is characterized by reddish areas surrounded by white borders affecting any location in the oral cavity and presenting a migratory and cyclic pattern. The most common affected sites include buccal mucosa, labial mucosa and mucobuccal fold. Some patients can complain of pain or burning sensation. There are few reports in the literature about this entity and its relationship with other oral and cutaneous conditions such as fissured tongue, Reiter's syndrome, atopy and psoriasis has been suggested but it is still controversial. In the present study we describe three cases of geographic stomatitis associated wit…
Nonendodontic periapical lesions: a retrospective descriptive study in a Brazilian population
Background Several nonendodontic diseases can occur in the periapical region, resembling endodontic inflammatory conditions. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the frequency of nonendodontic periapical lesions diagnosed in a Brazilian population. Material and Methods The files of two Oral Pathology laboratories were reviewed and all cases including at least one clinical diagnosis of endodontic periapical lesions were selected for the study. After initial selection, demographic and clinical data, clinical diagnosis and final diagnosis were reviewed and tabulated. Final diagnosis included endodontic periapical lesions, and benign and malignant nonendodontic periapical le…