Introduction to the Special Issue: Debating Immigration in a Country of Emigration
Measuring integration in new countries of immigration
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop a framework to measure immigrant integration in emerging immigrant destinations. After several decades of intensive research, the definition and assessment of immigrants’ integration remains elusive. Increasingly more attempts have been made to foster scientific progress in the field in the las decades. Yet, immigrant integration in emerging destination countries remains particularly little studied despite several calls for more research on the topic. The developed integration framework (i.e. the Integration Score) is composed of 6 dimensions and 24 indicators of integration (4 indicators for every dimension). To empirically test the validity…
Two facets of returnees’ entrepreneurship in romania: Juxtaposing business owners and self-employed return migrants within a multi-method research frameworkê
This paper contributes to the growing literature on the diversity of return migration by analysing the different types of small-scale entrepreneurship among returnees. Data from an original survey conducted among Romanian returnees and in-depth interviews with returnees in entrepreneurship are combined to reveal distinct profiles of returnee entrepreneurs and to illustrate their specific ways of thinking about entrepreneurship and migration. Currently, Romania is one of the most fertile settings to research intra-European return migration due to its important flows of temporary international migrants. The paper highlights that there are major differences between business owners and self-emp…
To vote or not to vote? Migrant electoral (dis)engagement in an enlarged Europe
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. External voting by nonresident citizens has become an important feature of contemporary democratic politics. However, compared to the average voter in domestic elections, we still know significantly less about migrants’ motivations to vote or not. Whereas analyses of external voting patterns offer insights into the results of external voting compared to origin populations, there is a lacuna of knowledge about why migran…
‘We Don’t Differentiate between Old and New Arrivals’. Research Notes on Social Capital Formation in Religious Organizations among Polish Young Migrants in the UK
With more than half a million Poles living in the UK, Polish Catholic Church has become an important provider for religious and social services in the UK. In this context, a plethora of religious organizations has been developing around the Polish Parishes especially focusing on youth. Drawing on 12 participant observations and semi-structured interviews with priest, association leaders and Polish youth, this paper asks how social capital is created within religious association by the Polish youth living in the UK. The research identifies 3 types of religious organizations operating in the religious communities and which are the main types of social networks that are formed within these rel…