Tamara Lazic
Density Decline in a Mediterranean Seahorse Population: Natural Fluctuations or New Emerging Threats?
Illegal wildlife trade is considered one of the most serious threats to biodiversity worldwide, along with habitat loss/degradation and overfishing of wild stocks. Seahorses are considered at high risk as these fish represent an important component of traditional Chinese medicine but are also sold as curios and ornamental fish. On a worldwide level, illegal trade is controlled by numerous laws and regulations, but it seems to continue by assuming more dynamic routes. In the Mediterranean Sea, Hippocampus guttulatus formed one of the largest populations at Mar Piccolo di Taranto in South-Eastern Italy. During the routine monitoring of this population in 2016, a dramatic density decrease was …
In situ behavior of wild long-snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829
The study of behavior is one of the fundamental aspects of conservation biology. While for animals such as mammals there are well-defined protocols that have been applied for a long time, for marine animals, and fish in particular, studies are available for a limited number of species. The behavior of seahorses, for example, is poorly studied and in this work, we made a first attempt of using video recordings to analyze behavior of these endangered species in Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Southern Italy). The study presents preliminary data on behavioral activities and their comparisons among different life stages of Hippocampus guttulatus, namely females, males, and juveniles. Juveniles and fema…