Aaron Bansemer

In Situ, Airborne Instrumentation: Addressing and Solving Measurement Problems in Ice Clouds

The workshop on in situ airborne instrumentation: addressing and solving measurement problems in ice clouds, June 25-27, 2010, Oregon, aimed to identify unresolved questions concerning ice formation and evolution in ice clouds, assess the current state of instrumentation that can address these problems, introduce emerging technology that may overcome current measurement issues, and recommend future courses of action to improve our understanding of ice cloud microphysical. Eleven presentations were made covering measurement challenges associated measuring the composition and concentration of all the modes of ice nuclei (IN), measuring the morphology, mass, surface, and optical properties of …

research product

Survival of Snow in the Melting Layer: Relative Humidity Influence

AbstractThis study quantifies how far snow can fall into the melting layer (ML) before all snow has melted by examining a combination of in-situ observations from aircraft measurements in Lagrangian spiral descents from above through the ML and descents and ascents into the ML, as well as an extensive database of NOAA surface observer reports during the past 50 years. The airborne data contain information on the particle phase (solid, mixed, or liquid), population size distributions and shapes, along with temperature, relative humidity, and vertical velocity. A wide range of temperatures and ambient relative humidities are used for both the airborne and ground-based data. It is shown that a…

research product