In Patients with Grade I and II Ankle Sprains, Dynamic Taping Seems to Be Helpful during Certain Tasks, Exercises and Tests in Selected Phases of the Rehabilitation Process: A Preliminary Report
We aimed to investigate changes in postural stability on a stable surface after the application of dynamic tape for patients with inversion ankle sprains. This study enrolled 30 patients (age 25.5 ± 8.0 years) with grade I and II ankle sprains, which occurred 7–21 days before enrolment. Postural stability (balance, coordination, feedback) was assessed before and after the application of dynamic tape using a stabilographic platform. Three 32-s exercises were performed on the stabilographic platform, one with eyes open, one with eyes closed and one with visual feedback. After the application of dynamic tape, an improvement was observed in terms of the mean radius of sway (4.2 &pl…