N. F. Nasrallah
Method of analytic continuation by duality in QCD: Beyond QCD sum rules
We present the method of analytic continuation by duality which allows the approximate continuation of QCD amplitudes to small values of the momentum variables where direct perturbative calculations are not possible. This allows a substantial extension of the domain of applications of hadronic QCD phenomenology. The method is illustrated by a simple example which shows its essential features.
Strange quark condensate from QCD sum rules to five loops
It is argued that it is valid to use QCD sum rules to determine the scalar and pseudoscalar two-point functions at zero momentum, which in turn determine the ratio of the strange to non-strange quark condensates $R_{su} = \frac{}{}$ with ($q=u,d$). This is done in the framework of a new set of QCD Finite Energy Sum Rules (FESR) that involve as integration kernel a second degree polynomial, tuned to reduce considerably the systematic uncertainties in the hadronic spectral functions. As a result, the parameters limiting the precision of this determination are $\Lambda_{QCD}$, and to a major extent the strange quark mass. From the positivity of $R_{su}$ there follows an upper bound on the latt…
NonleptonicKdecay rate in terms of spectral-function integrals: A short-distance approach
In unified gauge theories of the weak and electromagnetic interactions it is shown that the matrix element for the decay ${K}_{S}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}2\ensuremath{\pi}$ can reliably be expressed in terms of integrals over spectral functions if (i) modified spectral-function sum rules of the Das, Mathur, and Okubo type are valid, or if (ii) the strong interactions are asymptotically free and the Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani mechanism holds. In these cases the contributions of the low-lying pseudoscalar and vector mesons to the spectral-function integrals suffice to account for the decay rate.
Up and down quark masses from Finite Energy QCD sum rules to five loops
The up and down quark masses are determined from an optimized QCD Finite Energy Sum Rule (FESR) involving the correlator of axial-vector divergences, to five loop order in Perturbative QCD (PQCD), and including leading non-perturbative QCD and higher order quark mass corrections. This FESR is designed to reduce considerably the systematic uncertainties arising from the (unmeasured) hadronic resonance sector, which in this framework contributes less than 3-4% to the quark mass. This is achieved by introducing an integration kernel in the form of a second degree polynomial, restricted to vanish at the peak of the two lowest lying resonances. The driving hadronic contribution is then the pion …
Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: A hybrid approach
A new QCD sum rule determination of the leading order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $a_{\mu}^{\rm hvp}$, is proposed. This approach combines data on $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation into hadrons, perturbative QCD and lattice QCD results for the first derivative of the electromagnetic current correlator at zero momentum transfer, $\Pi_{\rm EM}^\prime(0)$. The idea is based on the observation that, in the relevant kinematic domain, the integration kernel $K(s)$, entering the formula relating $a_{\mu}^{\rm hvp}$ to $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation data, behaves like $1/s$ times a very smooth function of $s$, the squared energy. We find an expression …
Confronting QCD with the experimental hadronic spectral functions from tau-decay
The (non-strange) vector and axial-vector spectral functions extracted from $\tau $-decay by the ALEPH collaboration are confronted with QCD in the framework of a Finite Energy QCD sum rule (FESR) involving a polynomial kernel tuned to suppress the region beyond the kinematical end point where there is no longer data. This effectively allows for a QCD FESR analysis to be performed beyond the region of the existing data. Results show excellent agreement between data and perturbative QCD in the remarkably wide energy range $s = 3 - 10 {GeV}^2$, leaving room for a dimension $d$ =4 vacuum condensate consistent with values in the literature. A hypothetical dimension $d$=2 term in the Operator Pr…
Strange quark mass from Finite Energy QCD sum rules to five loops
The strange quark mass is determined from a new QCD Finite Energy Sum Rule (FESR) optimized to reduce considerably the systematic uncertainties arising from the hadronic resonance sector. As a result, the main uncertainty in this determination is due to the value of $\Lambda_{QCD}$. The correlator of axial-vector divergences is used in perturbative QCD to five-loop order, including quark and gluon condensate contributions, in the framework of both Fixed Order (FOPT), and Contour Improved Perturbation Theory (CIPT). The latter exhibits very good convergence, leading to a remarkably stable result in the very wide range $s_0 = 1.0 - 4.0 {GeV}^2$, where $s_0$ is the radius of the integration co…