Control of quantum systems
We propose a new control method for systems whose evolution is described by Schrödinger's equation (quantum dynamics). The goal of the control is to induce modifications of observable quantities — with possible effects at mesoscopic or macroscopic levels — by modifying the potential at the microscopic level. We illustrate the feasibility of the approach on a harmonic oscillator system.
Coupling MCNP-DSP and LAHET Monte Carlo Codes for Designing Subcriticality Monitors for Accelerator-Driven Systems
The design of reactivity monitoring systems for accelerator-driven systems must be investigated to ensure that such systems remain subcritical during operation. The Monte Carlo codes LAHET and MCNP-DSP were combined together to facilitate the design of reactivity monitoring systems. The coupling of LAHET and MCNP-DSP provides a tool that can be used to simulate a variety of subcritical measurements such as the pulsed neutron, Rossi-α, or noise analysis measurements.
Coupling of density wave oscillations in parallel channels with high order modal kinetics: application to BWR out of phase oscillations
Abstract In this paper, we study the behavior of a system formed by two parallel channels coupled to a multimodal kinetics. The first problem that arises is the calculation of the reactivity coefficients for the higher modes. This problem is solved by means of the introduction of distribution factors for a given reactor region which depend on the involved modes. We have also performed a detailed analysis of the different instability types which can be obtained from the model changing the boundary conditions and the feedback gains of the fundamental and first harmonic modes.