Mats Horsdal
Robust semi-Dirac points and unconventional topological phase transitions in doped superconducting Sr2IrO4 tunnel coupled to t2g electron systems
Semi-Dirac fermions are known to exist at the critical points of topological phase transitions requiring fine-tuning of the parameters. We show that robust semi-Dirac points can appear in a heterostructure consisting of superconducting Sr2IrO4 and a t2g electron system (t2g-ES) without fine-tuning. They are topologically stable in the presence of the symmetries of the model, metallic t2g-ES and a single active band in Sr2IrO4. If the t2g metal is coupled to two different layers of Sr2IrO4 (effectively a multiband superconductor) in a three-layer-structure the semi-Dirac points can split into two stable Dirac points with opposite chiralities. A similar transition can be achieved if the t2g-E…
Enhancing triplet superconductivity by the proximity to a singlet superconductor in oxide heterostructures
We show how in principle a coherent coupling between two superconductors of opposite parity can be realized in a three-layer oxide heterostructure. Due to strong intraionic spin-orbit coupling in the middle layer, singlet Cooper pairs are converted into triplet ones and vice versa. This results in a large enhancement of the triplet superconductivity, persisting well above the native triplet critical temperature.