Abhijit Chougule

Medium fidelity modelling of loads in wind farms under non-neutral ABL stability conditions – a full-scale validation study

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Assessment of synthetic winds through spectralmodeling and validation using FAST

- In this paper, we analyse the simulated and measured wind data with respect to their spectral characteristics and their effect on wind turbine loads. The synthetic data is generated from a stochastic full-field turbulent wind simulator - TurbSim for neutral stability conditions. We first investigate a model for velocity spectra and, a coherence model, by comparing the model results with the measurements. In the second part we analyse the synthetic data via spectra and coherence for two cases; without and with adding coherent events. Finally, we compare wind turbine loads calculated by using FAST simulation of 5 MW reference wind turbine on the basis of simulated and measured data for the …

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Improved modelling of fatigue loads in wind farms under non-neutral ABL stability conditions

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Validation of buoyancy driven spectral tensor model using HATS data

We present a homogeneous spectral tensor model for wind velocity and temperature fluctuations, driven by mean vertical shear and mean temperature gradient. Results from the model, including one-dimensional velocity and temperature spectra and the associated co-spectra, are shown in this paper. The model also reproduces two-point statistics, such as coherence and phases, via cross-spectra between two points separated in space. Model results are compared with observations from the Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (HATS) field program (Horst et al. 2004). The spectral velocity tensor in the model is described via five parameters: the dissipation rate (), length scale of energy-containing eddi…

research product

Assessment of synthetic winds through spectral modeling and validation using FAST

In this paper, we analyse the simulated and measured wind data with respect to their spectral characteristics and their effect on wind turbine loads. The synthetic data is generated from a stochastic full-field turbulent wind simulator - TurbSim for neutral stability conditions. We first investigate a model for velocity spectra and, a coherence model, by comparing the model results with the measurements. In the second part we analyse the synthetic data via spectra and coherence for two cases; without and with adding coherent events. Finally, we compare wind turbine loads calculated by using FAST simulation of 5 MW reference wind turbine on the basis of simulated and measured data for the gi…

research product

Modeling Atmospheric Turbulence via Rapid Distortion Theory: Spectral Tensor of Velocity and Buoyancy

Abstract A spectral tensor model is presented for turbulent fluctuations of wind velocity components and temperature, assuming uniform vertical gradients in mean temperature and mean wind speed. The model is built upon rapid distortion theory (RDT) following studies by Mann and by Hanazaki and Hunt, using the eddy lifetime parameterization of Mann to make the model stationary. The buoyant spectral tensor model is driven via five parameters: the viscous dissipation rate ε, length scale of energy-containing eddies L, a turbulence anisotropy parameter , gradient Richardson number (Ri) representing the local atmospheric stability, and the rate of destruction of temperature variance . Model outp…

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In search for a canonical design ABL stability class for wind farm turbines

Production as well as loading of wake exposed wind turbines is known to depend significantly on stability of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL), which adds a new dimension to design of wind farm turbines. Adding this new aspect in wind turbine design makes the number of design cycle computations to blow up with a factor equal to the number of representative stability bin classes. The research question to be answered in this paper is: Can an ABL stability probability distribution in a meaningful way be collapsed into a representative design stability class as based on a (predefined) confidence level.

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