Carole Prost
Bread aroma
: This chapter will review the different synthetic pathways of bread volatiles in conventional white bread. The influence of traditional and innovative raw materials and breadmaking processes on the formation of volatiles will then be discussed. Next, extraction and analytical methods used to identify volatiles that participate in bread aroma will be presented. Volatiles that have been identified in freshly baked white bread will be listed and the ones that are potent odorants highlighted. Finally, the techniques employed by the baking industry to enhance bread aroma will be described.
Salt, sugar and lipid reduction in solid foods; a summary of the main outcomes from PLEASURE and TERIFIQ FP7 Twin projects
National audience; Most developed countries are facing excessive consumption of salt, saturated fat and free sugars. The reduction of salt-sugar-saturated fats (SSSF) in foods influences not only its nutritional qualities but also its sensory properties and safety (e.g.shelf-life). The main challenge is to formulate healthier foods, which will be accepted by consumers. In this context, two FP7 European projects, TeRiFiQ and PLeASURe have been funded on the same call (2012-2015) to investigate innovative strategies for the reduction of sodium, sugar and fat content in selected foods. Both projects focused on staple foods such as cheese, meat, bakery (cake), sauces and also pizza as an assemb…
MIRACULINE as a natural sweetener; the N3S QUALIMENT National project
International audience
A comparison of salt perception and acceptance of salt reduced food among children and adults
International audience
MIRACULINE as a natural sweetener; the N3S QUALIMENT project. Potential interest in baking
Miraculine is a glycol-protein extracted from the Miracle fruit which is a berry(Synsepalum dulcificum - Sapotaceae family, Daniell-1952). Common names for the miracle fruit are miracle berry, miraculous berry, sweet berry …. It originated from West Africa and is grown under tropical climate. In the 1970s, it has been attempted to commercialize miraculin on a large scale in the United States under the name of Miralin. The FDA allowed and then blocked the development of this new natural sweetener because no non-toxicity test had been performed. At the same time, aspartame was authorized. Today, miraculin is still not permitted in the USA and in Europe (classified as Novel Food). Besides, it …