Paul Birevu Muyinda
Peer assessment based assignment to enhance interactions in online learning groups
In this paper, we report on the findings from our PhD work on how peer assessment based assignment method can enhance interaction in online learning groups. The method is explored and tried out on the research methods course on the Bachelor of Commerce Programme which is run in distance learning mode at Makerere University. Based on the idea that learning groups can enhance effective learning in online learning environments, we used the affordance eLearning framework to design the peer assessment based assignment task and then qualitative methods collect and report on data. The results reveal that there was increased interaction through peer feedback. Students were motivated because of the …
Supporting Learning Groups in Online Learning Environment
In this paper, we report on the initial findings on how to effectively support learning groups in online learning environments. Based on the idea that learning groups can enhance effective learning in online learning environments, we used qualitative research methods to study learning groups (interviews and observation of learning group interactions in online learning environments) and their facilitators. Preliminary results reveal that in order to have effective learning groups you need to take care of the following online design issues: develop comprehensive study guides, train online tutors, motivate learners through feedback, and foster high cognitive levels of interaction through quest…
Contextualisation of eLearning Systems in Higher Education Institutions
The proliferation of digital technologies, and the emergence of global lifelong learning has steered the transformation of education from the predominant classroom based learning to more flexible technology enhanced learning. However, realizing technology enhanced learning’s much anticipated benefits towards improving the educational potential of Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) in Developing Countries (DCs) is still a challenge because of the high information systems failure rate. Research suggests potentially substantial misalignment between DC HEIs’ E-Learning Management Systems (ELMS) and their institutional contexts. To explore this gap, this research employs a qualitative approa…
Conceptualising Design of Learning Management Systems to Address Institutional Realities
There is growing interest in the use of E-Learning in higher educational institutions. However, studies have shown mismatches between Learning Management System (LMS) design and the general institutional context in developing countries. In this paper, we assess the design and implementation requirements for Makerere University LMS against the overall institution context. This research follows a qualitative method (interviews) and uses case study. We employ the design reality gap model to investigate the design requirements of the LMS against current institutional realities. A design reality gap of 46 was obtained implying ad-hoc measures need to be put in place otherwise the failure/stagnat…
Philosophical and ethical concerns in researching online learning groups
There is hype in the use of technology for teaching and learning. Online learning groups have been preferred and advocated for increasing learning. However, developing technology supported teaching and learning require user centered approaches to ensure that the design solutions meet users' needs. Since the research is situated within a practice area of online learning groups, pragmatism and social constructivism will inform this study. In this paper, pragmatism and social constructivism philosophy is discussed. The non-consequentialist philosophical ethical approach and how it relates to this research field is also analyzed. The paper argues that non-consequentialist philosophical ethical …
Learning Groups in MOOCs : Lessons for Online Learning in Higher Education
when there is interaction within online learning groups, meaningful learning is achieved. Motivating and sustaining effective student interactions requires planning, coordination and implementation of curriculum, pedagogy and technology. For our aim to understand online learning group processes to identify effective online learning group mechanisms, comparative analysis was used on a massive open online course (MOOC) run in 2015 and 2016. Qualitative (interaction on the platform) and quantitative (survey) methods were used. The findings revealed several possible ways to improve online learning group processes. This paper concludes that course organization helped in increasing individual par…
Access to Learning Through Mobiles
The common myth that mobile learning cannot propel in a rural setting is null and void. The influx of modern ICTs like mobile technologies can revolutionize information access among the less privileged in many African communities. Using the Actor-Network Theory as a methodological tool, the chapter explores opportunities of increasing knowledge access through mobiles, by understanding the networks involved in farmer's mobile learning practice, with reference to Uganda. The chapter reveals that mobile technologies offer affordable individual and group learning opportunities to smallholder farmers. Learning is a socially constructed activity, where farmers with access to ICTs like mobile phon…
Widely Acclaimed but Lowly Utilized: Congruencing ODL Utilization with its Wide Acclaim
World over, open distance learning (ODL) is widely articulated and vouchered as a panacea pedagogy for increased access and flexibility to higher education. In reality, however, the actual use of ODL approaches in higher institutions of learning in developing regions is unexpectedly low and not in tandem with its wide favorable regional and international vouchering. This paper has the goal to suggest a framework for congruencing the low utilization levels of ODL approaches with their wide acclaim. Using a cross sectional survey, an inquiry was conducted among faculty across institutions of higher learning in Uganda to establish: i) the factors explaining the wide acclaim for ODL; ii) the ut…
Towards Technology for Supporting Effective Online Learning Groups
Group learning has been advocated for increasing active learning among distance learners. However, there is limited understanding on how to engage learners in online courses. Following the design science methodology, we iteratively developed guiding factors for supporting effective online learning groups. The factors for effective online learning groups cover five key dimensions, namely institutional policies, institutional technology, group activity, group composition, and facilitation. The factors are validated through repetitive evaluation using authentic online learning courses, as well as using a focus group discussion with experienced online facilitators. This way, the factors provide…
Improving Online Interaction Among Blended Distance Learners at Makerere University
This article reports on a study done to improve interaction among distance learners offering the blended Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) programme at Makerere University. The study attempts to answer the question: How can a Learning Management System be used to improve learner interaction on the blended B.Ed. programme at Makerere University? The study adopted the Affordance eLearning Design Framework. This study was done among 54 students studying a Policy Planning and Implementation course on the B.Ed. programme. The study employed qualitative approaches to data collection and analysis. These included semi-structured interviews and observation of the interaction logs within the groups and o…