Gabriel Gómez-pérez
Perceptual Image Representations for Support Vector Machine Image Coding
Support-vector-machine image coding relies on the ability of SVMs for function approximation. The size and the profile of the e-insensitivity zone of the support vector regressor (SVR) at some specific image representation determines (a) the amount of selected support vectors (the compression ratio), and (b) the nature of the introduced error (the compression distortion). However, the selection of an appropriate image representation is a key issue for a meaningful design of the e-insensitivity profile. For example, in image-coding applications, taking human perception into account is of paramount relevance to obtain a good rate-distortion performance. However, depending on the accuracy of t…
Perceptual adaptive insensitivity for support vector machine image coding.
Support vector machine (SVM) learning has been recently proposed for image compression in the frequency domain using a constant epsilon-insensitivity zone by Robinson and Kecman. However, according to the statistical properties of natural images and the properties of human perception, a constant insensitivity makes sense in the spatial domain but it is certainly not a good option in a frequency domain. In fact, in their approach, they made a fixed low-pass assumption as the number of discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients to be used in the training was limited. This paper extends the work of Robinson and Kecman by proposing the use of adaptive insensitivity SVMs [2] for image coding u…
Assigning discounts in a marketing campaign by using reinforcement learning and neural networks
In this work, RL is used to find an optimal policy for a marketing campaign. Data show a complex characterization of state and action spaces. Two approaches are proposed to circumvent this problem. The first approach is based on the self-organizing map (SOM), which is used to aggregate states. The second approach uses a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to carry out a regression of the action-value function. The results indicate that both approaches can improve a targeted marketing campaign. Moreover, the SOM approach allows an intuitive interpretation of the results, and the MLP approach yields robust results with generalization capabilities.