Lenka Leva
Additional file of Mild exacerbation of obesity- and age-dependent liver disease progression by senolytic cocktail dasatinib + quercetin
Additional file of Mild exacerbation of obesity- and age-dependent liver disease progression by senolytic cocktail dasatinib + quercetin
Additional file of Mild exacerbation of obesity- and age-dependent liver disease progression by senolytic cocktail dasatinib + quercetin
Additional file of Mild exacerbation of obesity- and age-dependent liver disease progression by senolytic cocktail dasatinib + quercetin
Mild exacerbation of obesity- and age-dependent liver disease progression by senolytic cocktail dasatinib + quercetin.
Abstract Background Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is increasingly prevalent and represents a growing challenge in terms of prevention and treatment. A minority of affected patients develops inflammation, subsequently fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HCC is a leading cause of cancer-related death. An increased number of senescent cells correlate with age-related tissue degeneration during NAFLD-induced HCC. Senolytics are promising agents that target selectively senescent cells. Previous studies showed that whereas a combination of the senolytic drugs dasatinib and quercetin (D + Q) reduced NAFLD in mice, D + Q lacked efficacy in removing doxorubicin-induced…
Additional file of Mild exacerbation of obesity- and age-dependent liver disease progression by senolytic cocktail dasatinib + quercetin
Additional file of Mild exacerbation of obesity- and age-dependent liver disease progression by senolytic cocktail dasatinib + quercetin