F Persico
Self-consistency conditions for localized magnetic moments in a free electron gas
The self-consistent conditions for a localized magnetic moment in a metal are studied in the case where the density of states of the host metal is free electron like. A method is outlined which in principle allows to determine self-consistently in the Hartree-Fock approximation the relevant parameters of the magnetic ground state of the system. A numerical example is approximately worked out to show how the theory gives reasonable answers in spite of the crudeness of some of the approximations used.
Self-dressing and radiation reaction in classical electrodynamics
A canonical approach to self-dressing in classical electrodynamics is presented. A slowly moving, rigid charge distribution is assumed to be completely deprived of the transverse electric E⊥ at an initial time t1' and the development of this component of the field is studied for t > t1' by solving the coupled charge-field Hamilton equations of motion. The theory is specialized to charge distributions of spherical symmetry, and in particular the point-charge, the spherical shell of charge and the spherical volume of charge are considered. As for the dynamics of the charge, the radiation-reaction force during self-dressing is obtained and it is shown to be substantially different at short tim…
Casimir-Polder potentials as entanglement probe
We have considered the interaction of a pair of spatially separated two-level atoms with the electromagnetic field in its vacuum state and we have analyzed the amount of entanglement induced between the two atoms by the non local field fluctuations. This has allowed us to characterize the quantum nature of the non local correlations of the electromagnetic field vacuum state as well as to link the induced quantum entanglement with Casimir-Polder potentials.