C. I. Navarro-francés

Influence of trait anxiety on the effects of acute stress on learning and retention of the passive avoidance task in male and female mice

The influence of anxiety on the effects of acute stress for the acquisition and retention of passive avoidance conditioned task was evaluated in male and female mice. Animals were categorized as high-, medium-, and low-anxiety according to their performance in the elevated plus-maze test. Subsequently, half of the mice in each group were exposed to an acute stressor and assayed in an aversive conditioning test two days later. Exposure to restraint stress before inhibitory avoidance conditioning had a differential impact on the conditioned response of males and females according to their trait anxiety. The acute stressor significantly altered the conditioned response of mice with a high-anxi…

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Efecto de la cocaína sobre la inhibición por prepulso de la respuesta de sobresalto

Introduccion. La inhibicion por prepulso (IPP) de la respuesta de sobresalto es una medida de sincronizacion sensitivomotora basada en la respuesta del reflejo de sobresalto. Un deficit en la IPP se ha observado en pacientes psiquiatricos, especialmente con esquizofrenia, asi como en sujetos vulnerables a desarrollarla. Asimismo, los consumidores de cocaina presentan un alto indice de patologias psiquiatricas como la esquizofrenia. Objetivo. Conocer las alteraciones que el consumo de cocaina puede producir en la IPP. Desarrollo. Se realiza una revision exhaustiva de los estudios, tanto clinicos como con modelos animales, que hayan evaluado la IPP tras el consumo o la administracion de cocai…

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Influence of the Novelty-Seeking Endophenotype on the Rewarding Effects of Psychostimulant Drugs in Animal Models

Novelty seeking (NS), defined as a tendency to pursue novel and intense emotional sensations and experiences, is one of the most relevant individual factors predicting drug use among humans. High novelty seeking (HNS) individuals present an increased risk of drug use compared to low novelty seekers. The NS endophenotype may explain some of the differences observed among individuals exposed to drugs of abuse in adolescence. However, there is little research about the particular response of adolescents to drugs of abuse in function of this endophenotype, and the data that do exist are inconclusive. The present work reviews the literature regarding the influence of NS on psychostimulant reward…

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Ethanol (EtOH) heavy-binge drinking during pubertal development elicits long-lasting neurobehavioral alterations in the adulthood such as memory impairments. An early history of EtOH consumption is correlated with higher rates of cocaine addiction in the adulthood. One consequence of cocaine withdrawal is the induction of memory deficits. The aim of the present investigation was to study the consequences of adolescent exposure …

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Diferencias sexuales en el aprendizaje del Laberinto Hebb-Williams con ratones OF1

espanolEl Laberinto Hebb-Williams es una prueba utilizada para evaluar el aprendizaje espacial en animales. Aunque la capacidad espacial es una funcion cognitiva considerada sexodimorfica, donde los machos muestran una ventaja frente a las hembras, los resultados de los pocos estudios que evaluen diferencias de sexo en esta prueba no son concluyentes. Por ello, en este estudio nos propusimos comprobar si los ratones OF1 machos ejecutaban mejor que las hembras las tareas del Laberinto Hebb-Williams, y si esa ventaja era independiente de la dificultad del laberinto. Se utilizo la version reducida para ratones, la cual consta de 5 laberintos, 3 consi-derados faciles y 2 dificiles. Los resultad…

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