Hiroyasu Ejiri

Magnetic hexadecapole gamma transitions and neutrino-nuclear responses in medium heavy nuclei

Neutrino-nuclear responses in the form of squares of nuclear matrix elements,NMEs, are crucial for studies of neutrino-induced processes in nuclei. In this work we investigate magnetic hexadecapole (M4) NMEs in medium-heavy nuclei. The experimentally derived NMEs, $M_{\rm EXP}$(M4), deduced from observed M4 $\gamma $ transition half-lives are compared with the single-quasiparticle (QP) NMEs, $M_{\rm QP}$(M4), and the microscopic quasiparticle-phonon model (MQPM) NMEs $M_{\rm MQPM}$(M4). The experimentally driven M4 NMEs are found to be reduced by a coefficient $k \approx 0.29 $ with respect to $M_{\rm QP}$(M4) and by $k \approx 0.33$ with respect to $M_{\rm MQPM}$(M4). The M4 NMEs are reduc…

research product

Magnetic Hexadecapole γ Transitions and Neutrino-Nuclear Responses in Medium-Heavy Nuclei

Neutrino-nuclear responses in the form of squares of nuclear matrix elements, NMEs, are crucial for studies of neutrino-induced processes in nuclei. In this work we investigate magnetic hexadecapole (M4) NMEs in medium-heavy nuclei. The experimentally derived NMEs,MEXP(M4), deduced from observed M4γtransition half-lives are compared with the single-quasiparticle (QP) NMEs,MQP(M4), and the microscopic quasiparticle-phonon model (MQPM) NMEsMMQPM(M4). The experimentally derived M4 NMEs are found to be reduced by a coefficientk≈0.29with respect toMQP(M4) and byk≈0.33with respect toMMQPM(M4). The M4 NMEs are reduced a little by the quasiparticle-phonon correlations of the MQPM wave functions but…

research product

Nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless ββ decays and spin-dipole giant resonances

Nuclear matrix element (NME) for neutrinoless ββ decay (DBD) is required for studying neutrino physics beyond the standard model by using DBD. Experimental information on nuclear excitation and decay associated with DBD is crucial for theoretical calculations of the DBD-NME. The spin-dipole (SD) NME for DBD via the intermediate SD state is one of the major components of the DBD-NME. The experimental SD giant-resonance energy and the SD strength in the intermediate nucleus are shown for the first time to be closely related to the DBD-NME and are used for studying the spin-isospin correlation and the quenching of the axial-vector coupling, which are involved in the NME. So they are used to he…

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