Soft proton exchanged channel waveguides in congruent lithium tantalate for frequency doubling
We report on stable optical waveguides fabricated by soft-proton exchange in periodically-poled congruent lithium tantalate in the a-phase. The channel waveguides are characterized in the telecom wavelength range in terms of both linear properties and frequency doubling. The measurements yield a nonlinear coefficient of about 9.5pm/V, demonstrating that the nonlinear optical properties of lithium tantalate are left nearly unaltered by the process. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Characterization of PP-cLT Waveguides for Second-Harmonic-Generation and Wavelength-Conversion in the C + L Band of Optical Communications
We report the characterization of single-mode optical waveguides at telecom wavelength, realized in congruent lithium-tantalate. We demonstrate that waveguides realized by proton-exchange show a nonlinear coefficient matching that expected in a bulk crystal.
Integrated frequency shifter in periodically poled lithium tantalate waveguide
A frequency shifting device is fabricated and tested in a ferroelectric waveguide in a low-photorefractivity crystal. Periodic poling for quasi-phase-matching and channels for operation in the near-infrared C-band were obtained in congruent lithium tantalate, demonstrating for the first time both wave confinement and two-stage parametric conversion in such waveguides.