Hernán Ojeda

Classification of varieties for their timing of flowering and veraison using a modelling approach: A case study for the grapevine species Vitis vinifera L.

16 pages; International audience; tUnderstanding differences in phenology for varieties of a given species is important for making informeddecisions on variety choice in the context of climate change and breeding new cultivars. Phenologicalmodels that incorporate temperature as a key environmental factor can be used to describe the differencesin phenological timing between cultivars. This paper outlines a methodology, based on a phenologicalmodel, for classifying the timing of flowering and veraison for a substantial number of varieties of thegrapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). 95 varieties were characterized for flowering and 104 varieties for veraison.Various statistical measures were used to …

research product

Adaptation to climate change of the French wine industry: a systemic approach – Main outcomes of the project LACCAVE

Présenté au 12. Congreso Internacional Terroir; Taking into account the major economical role and specificities of the French wine industry, adaptation to climate change is a very challenging issue. In 2011, 23 research teams launched a systemic and multidisciplinary program to analyze the impacts from the vine to the region, to define adaptation strategies combining technical, spatial and organizational options and to evaluate the perception by the actors and consumers of climate change issues. Thermal variability was studied at local scale to develop high resolution atmospheric models which better simulate future climate trends. Impacts on growth/developmental conditions and vine response…

research product