Asmaa Badreddine
An expeditious synthesis of spinasterol and schottenol, two phytosterols present in argan oil and in cactus pear seed oil, and evaluation of their biological activities on cells of the central nervous system
International audience; Spinasterol and schottenol, two phytosterols present in argan oil and in cactus pear seed oil, were synthesized from commercially available stigmasterol by a four steps reactions. In addition, the effects of these phytosterols on cell growth and mitochondrial activity were evaluated on 158N murine oligodendrocytes, C6 rat glioma cells, and SK-N-BE human neuronal cells with the crystal violet test and the MTT test, respectively. The effects of spinasterol and schottenol were compared with 7-ketocholesterol (71CC) and ferulic acid, which is also present in argan and cactus pear seed oil. Whatever the cells considered, dose dependent cytotoxic effects of 71CC were obser…
Nopal Cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) as a Source of Bioactive Compounds for Nutrition, Health and Disease
Opuntia ficus-indica, commonly referred to as prickly pear or nopal cactus, is a dicotyledonous angiosperm plant. It belongs to the Cactaceae family and is characterized by its remarkable adaptation to arid and semi-arid climates in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. In the last decade, compelling evidence for the nutritional and health benefit potential of this cactus has been provided by academic scientists and private companies. Notably, its rich composition in polyphenols, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and amino acids has been highlighted through the use of a large panel of extraction methods. The identified natural cactus compounds and derivatives were shown to be e…
Preparation and characterization of extracts argania spinosa and argan oil and evaluation of their neuroprotective effects in vivo and in vitro
من بين الزيوت الطبيعية أثار زيت أركان الكثير من الاهتمام. فقد استخدم زيت الأركان في الطب التقليدي، من قبل نساء البربرللعناية بالجسم و الشعر، و لمنع بعض الأمراض القلب و الأوعية الدموية . يتميز زيت الأركان بوظائفه التي تخص خفض الكوليسترول، مكافحة داء السكري ومكافحة التكاثر في خطوط الخلايا السرطانية البشرية للبروستات. يعتبر زيت اركان غنيا بالأحماض الدهنية غير المشبعة، البوليفينول، التوكوفيرول و الستيرول .هذه المواد تجعله مادة مضادة للأكسدة.يتركز دور مضادات الأكسدة الغذائية في وظيفة الجهاز العصبي وبعض الأمراض المرتبطة بالعمر على فيتامين E الذي يعتبر المكون الرئيسي لزيت أركان . الهدف من هذا العمل هو أولا دراسة كيميائية لنبتة اركان وتقييم القوة المضادة للأكسدة لمقتطفات هذه النبتة مع توصيف شامل لت…
Profile of Fatty Acids, Tocopherols, Phytosterols and Polyphenols in Mediterranean Oils (Argan Oils, Olive Oils, Milk Thistle Seed Oils and Nigella Seed Oil) and Evaluation of their Antioxidant and Cytoprotective Activities
Background: The effects of vegetable oils on human health depend on their components. Therefore, their profiles of lipid nutrients and polyphenols were determined. Objective: To establish and compare the fatty acid, tocopherol, phytosterol and polyphenol profiles of Mediterranean oils: cosmetic and dietary argan oils (AO; Morocco: Agadir, Berkane); olive oils (OO; Morocco, Spain, Tunisia); milk thistle seed oils (MTSO; Tunisia: Bizerte, Sousse, Zaghouane); nigella seed oil (NSO). Methods: The biochemical profiles were determined by gas chromatography-flame ionization, high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography, coupled with mass spectrometry as required. The antioxidant …