Differential Regularization of a Non-relativistic Anyon Model
Differential regularization is applied to a field theory of a non-relativistic charged boson field $\phi$ with $\lambda (\phi {}^{*} \phi)^2$ self-interaction and coupling to a statistics-changing $U(1)$ Chern-Simons gauge field. Renormalized configuration-space amplitudes for all diagrams contributing to the $\phi {}^{*} \phi {}^{*} \phi \phi$ 4-point function, which is the only primitively divergent Green's function, are obtained up to 3-loop order. The renormalization group equations are explicitly checked, and the scheme dependence of the $\beta$-function is investigated. If the renormalization scheme is fixed to agree with a previous 1-loop calculation, the 2- and 3-loop contributions …