I.a. Gritsaenko
Search for the t and b' quarks in hadronic decays of the Z0 boson
We present a search for the third generation up type quark t and a possible fourth down type quark b' in hadronic Z0 decays observed in DELPHI at the LEP collider. For any scenario with a decay through the charged current or into a charged Higgs with a mass at least 6 GeV/c2 below the t and 3 GeVc2 below the b' mass, we set a lower limit for the t quark mass at 44.0 GeV/c2 and for the b' mass at 44.5 GeV/c2. For specific scenarios the mass limits are slightly higher, e.g. for charged current decays the limits are 44.5 and 45.0 GeV/c2 respectively, where all limits are given at a 95% confidence level. © 1990.
Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson
Measurements are presented of the cross section ratios Rℓ = σℓ(e+e-→ℓ+ℓ -)/σhh(e+e-→hadrons) for ℓ = e, μ and τ using data taken from a scan around the Z0. The results are Re = (5.09±0.32±0.18)%, Rμ = (4.96±0.35±0.17)% and Rτ,=(4.72±0.38± 0.29)% where, for the ratio Re, the t-channel contribution has been subtracted. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of lepton universality and test this hypothesis at the energy scale s ∼ 8300 GeV2. The absolute cross sections σℓ(e+e-→ℓ +ℓ-) have also been measured. From the cross sections the leptonic partial widths Γe = (83.2±3.0±2.4) MeV, (ΓeΓμ) 1/2=(84.6±3.0±2.4) MeV and (ΓeΓτ) 1/2=(82.6±3.3±3.2) MeV have been extracted. Assuming lepton un…
Measurement of the partial width of the decay of the Z0 into charm quark pairs
A determination of the partial width Γc̄ of the Z0 boson into charm quark pairs is presented, based on a total sample of 36 900 Z0 hadronic decays measured with the DELPHI detector at the LEP collider. The production rate of cc events is derived from the inclusive analysis of charged pions coming from the decay of charmed meson D*+-→D0π+ and D*-→D̄0π- where the π± is constrained by kinematics to have a low pT with respect to the jet axis. The probability to procedure these π± from D*± decay in cc events is taken to be 0.31±0.05 as measured at √S = 10.55 GeV. The measured relative partial width Γ∞/Γh = 0.162± 0.030(stat.) ± 0.050(syst.) is in good agreement with the standard model value of 0…