Owe Philipsen
Towards the N_f=2 deconfinement transition temperature with O(a) improved Wilson fermions: An update
We give an update on our current project to determine the transition temperature and the order of the deconfinement transition in the chiral limit of two flavour QCD. We use nonperturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions of the Sheikholeslami-Wohlert type, employing the efficient deflation accelerated DDHMC algorithm. We start at lattices with N_t>=12 and pion masses below 600 MeV, aiming at chiral and continuum limits with light quarks.
Testing the strength of the UA(1) anomaly at the chiral phase transition in two-flavour QCD
We study the thermal transition of QCD with two degenerate light flavours by lattice simulations using $\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved Wilson quarks. Particular emphasis lies on the pattern of chiral symmetry restoration, which we probe via the static screening correlators. On $32^3$ volumes we observe that the screening masses in transverse iso-vector vector and axial-vector channels become degenerate at the transition temperature. The splitting between the screening masses in iso-vector scalar and pseudoscalar channels is strongly reduced compared to the splitting at zero temperature and is actually consistent with zero within uncertainties. In this proceedings article we extend our studies to …
On the strength of the U A (1) anomaly at the chiral phase transition in N f = 2 QCD
We study the thermal transition of QCD with two degenerate light flavours by lattice simulations using $O(a)$-improved Wilson quarks. Temperature scans are performed at a fixed value of $N_t = (aT)^{-1}=16$, where $a$ is the lattice spacing and $T$ the temperature, at three fixed zero-temperature pion masses between 200 MeV and 540 MeV. In this range we find that the transition is consistent with a broad crossover. As a probe of the restoration of chiral symmetry, we study the static screening spectrum. We observe a degeneracy between the transverse isovector vector and axial-vector channels starting from the transition temperature. Particularly striking is the strong reduction of the split…
QCD thermodynamics with two flavours of Wilson fermions on large lattices
We explore the phase diagram of two flavour QCD at vanishing chemical potential using dynamical O(a)-improved Wilson quarks. In the approach to the chiral limit we use lattices with a temporal extent of N_t=16 and spatial extent L=32,48 and 64 to enable the extrapolation to the thermodynamic limit with small discretisation effects. In addition to an update on the scans at constant \kappa, reported earlier, we present first results from scans along lines of constant physics at a pion mass of 290 MeV. We probe the transition using the Polyakov loop and the chiral condensate, as well as spectroscopic observables such as screening masses.
Towards the N_f=2 deconfinement transition temperature with O(a) improved Wilson fermions
A lot of effort in lattice simulations over the last years has been devoted to studies of the QCD deconfinement transition. Most state-of-the-art simulations use rooted staggered fermions, while Wilson fermions are affected by large systematic uncertainties, such as coarse lattices or heavy sea quarks. Here we report on an ongoing study of the transition, using two degenerate flavours of nonperturbatively $\Ord(a)$ improved Wilson fermions. We start with $N_{t}=12$ and 16 lattices and pion masses of 600 to 450 MeV, aiming at chiral and continuum limits with light quarks.