J. P. Korb
Non-Bloch decay of transient nutations in S=1/2 systems: An experimental investigation.
The decay of transient nutations has been experimentally investigated in S=1/2 spin systems at microwave frequency: E' centers in silica and [${\mathrm{AlO}}_{4}$${]}^{0}$ centers in quartz have been studied. We have found that the damping is well described by a single exponential decay function, as expected from a ${\mathit{T}}_{1}$-${\mathit{T}}_{2}$ model (Bloch model). However, the agreement is only qualitative. In fact the measured decay rate \ensuremath{\Gamma} is faster than expected and depends on the driving-field amplitude: it tends to the Bloch value ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}}_{\mathit{B}}$=1/2${\mathit{T}}_{2}$ in the low-power limit and becomes faster and faster on increas…
Anomalous time decay of transient nutations in S = 1/2 spin systems
La decroissance temporelle des signaux de nutation transitoire a ete etudiee experimentalement a la frequence micro-onde sur des systemes de spin 1/2 (centres E' dans la silice and [AlO 4 ] o dans le quartz). Ces signaux decroissent exponentiellement mais avec une vitesse plus grande que la valeur habituellement donnee par les equations de Bloch. On trouve une dependence lineaire de cette vitesse avec la frequence de Rabi. Aucun interpretation pour le moment n'explique veritablement ce comportement anormal