M. Allegra
Neuroimmaging in childhood central nervous system tuberculosis
La Chapelle des Dames un splendide exemple du baroque italien
Résumé Un des sujets les plus brûlants de la géomatique de ce début du XXIe siècle est la recherche des techniques les plus efficaces pour numériser et restituer les édifices modernes et historiques. Les premiers font l’objets de relevés pour constituer une maquette de type BIM, les seconds plus dans le cadre d’études académiques ou de documents de base pour des travaux de restoration. Le principal sujet de débat actuel peut se résumer en une phrase : « quelle technique pour quel relevé ? ». En effet, si d’un côté les relevés laser permettent de constituer des nuages de points extrêmement riches et détaillés (Costantino, 2013), il est ensuite souvent délicat de gérer correctement une telle …
Betanin inhibits myeloperoxidase/nitrite-mediated peroxidation of human low-density lipoprotein
BETANIN INHIBITS MYELOPEROXIDASE/NITRITE-MEDIATED PEROXIDATION OF HUMAN LOW-DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN M. Allegra, L. Tesoriere, D. Butera, A.M. Pintaudi, M.A. Livrea Dipartimento Farmacochimico Tossicologico e Biologico - Facoltà di Farmacia - Università di Palermo - Via C. Forlanini 1 - 90134 Palermo INTRODUCTION: Betanin, the betalain red pigment occurring in the Cariophillalae order plants, including cactus pear, has recently been reported to posses reducing properties and to behave as lipoperoxyl radical-scavenger in vitro (1). In addition, this phytochemical is bioavailable, accumulates in human LDL after ingestion of cactus pear fruits, and is able to protect LDL against copper-induced oxid…
Indicaxanthin is able to modulate human motor cortical excitability and plasticity
Abstract. This work illustrates the use of geomatics techniques for the documentation of Teatro Massimo in Palermo (Italy), one of the most important and big in Italy and in Europe. The theatre is characterized by a very complex structure and is realized also using innovative solution, studied at the time of the project specifically for this building; for example, an original system was realized for a natural air-conditioning system of the auditorium. Due to his complexity, the documentation of the Teatro Massimo requires studying specific survey solutions for the different parts of the building. In this paper, some studies on two of the most representative parts of the building were descri…
Geomatic applications tourban park in palermo
Over the last few years topographical techniques have developed an exponential trend towards simplifying and speeding, both survey operations and analysis of data collected reaching at the same time ever higher levels of accuracy. Among the technologies that are increasingly taking the field in this context is part of the Mobile Mapping System (MMS) that, on any mobile platform, combines sensors and measurement systems designed to provide a 3D position of the platform and, at the same time, capable to acquire geographic data without the aid of control points on the ground. The study reported concerns the verification of the reliability metrics and a qualitative MMS in order to evaluate its …
Orally administered indicaxanthin is able to modulate human motor cortical excitability and plasticity
Opuntia Ficus Indica contains Indicaxanthin (IX), an antinflammatory and antioxidant betalaine pigment. This phytochemical is also able to cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) in rats and modulate neuronal activity. Considering these evidence, we aimed at investigating if orally administered IX could affect human brain tissue. 8 healthy and right-handed male subjects were recruited (20-45 years) with no history or clinical signs of neurological diseases, brain trauma or use of drugs acting on neuronal process, as assessed by a clinical neurologist. Non invasive Brain Stimulation and Neuromodulation (NIBS and NIN) instructions were applied in basal condition (T0) and 2 hours after having assu…
Valutazione degli effetti antiossidanti del Resolvis OmegaTM in un modello di disfunzione corneale in vitro.
EPA (acido eicosapentaenoico) e DHA (acido decosaesaeoico) sono derivati metabolici degli AGE (acidi grassi essenziali) e in particolare dell'acido linolenico (omega-3)