Les sarcophages de l'Antiquité tardive et du haut Moyen Âge : fabrication, utilisation, diffusion. Actes des XXXe Journées internationales d'archéologie mérovingienne, Bordeaux, 2009
XXXth International days of Merovingian archaeology (Bordeaux,October 2-4th, 2009) allowed to approach one of the most strikingvestiges in Gaul for these centuries of transition, the sarcophagus.Collecting the contributions ok more than eighty French and Europeanauthors, this theme is declined in six parts by leaving of themanufacturing of the sarcophagus in its use, without forgetting ahistoriographical approach. An important teamwork ended in thepresentation of regional assessments and in the cartographic synthesis documents. The last part ok the work reports the currents events of the research on the high Middle Ages in the Southwest of France.