A. Zilaucs
Elastic Deformation of Dispersely Failing Unidirectionally Reinforced Composites
A phenomenological model is proposed for describing the elastic deformation of a unidirectionally reinforced composite capable of accumulating scattered microdamages during its loading. The composite is considered as a homogeneous transversely isotropic solid. Its damaged state at every point is characterized by a centrally symmetric scalar function on the unit sphere (the damage function), which is used to account for variations in the elastic properties of the material during its deformation. The damage itself depends on the history of some equivalent strain, for which four simplified variants are suggested. The relation between strains and stresses is defined in a differential form. Depe…
Estimation of the elastic constants of highly porous cellular plastics reinforced with fibres embedded in foam struts
In order to enhance the mechanical properties of polymer foams, fillers of different materials and sizes are being applied. Fibrous fillers shorter than the characteristic foam cell dimensions have the potential of efficient reinforcement, due to their high aspect ratio, without detrimentally interfering with foam structure. A theoretical model is developed for evaluation of the effect of filler on foam stiffness. The elastic response of rigid polymer foams filled with short fibres, of length commensurable with that of foam struts, is modelled by using the orientational averaging technique. Explicit expressions for components of the stiffness tensor of composite foams are derived in terms …