Ein neuartiges Verfahren der Sauerstoffdetektion für Medizin, Biologie, Umweltforschung und Biotechnik auf Basis der Lumineszenzlöschung - An Innovative Procedure for the Detection of Oxygen Based on Luminescence Quenching, for Use in Medicine, Biology, Environmental Research and Biotechnology
For most (aerobic) animal organisms, oxygen is a mandatory and global substrate. The accurate measurement of oxygen is therefore of importance in the fields of medicine, biology, environmental research and biotechnology. The fact that oxygen is not readily soluble in aqueous media makes its detection more difficult. In contrast to the technique of polarography, the use of luminescence quenching by paramagnetic oxygen, does not consume the oxygen. Another problem of oxygen detection in connection with respiration is the need for very short response times. A third problem, which is associated with luminescence itself, is the fading of the dyes, which results in long-term signal instability. T…