Noureddine Zerhouni

On the Use of Prognostics and Health Management to Jointly Schedule Production and Maintenance on a Single Multi-purpose Machine

This paper address the problem of using prognostic information in the decision-making process of a single multi-purpose machine. The prognostics and health management method is compared to condition-based maintenance combined with a genetic algorithm to determine the joint schedule of maintenance and production. The paper presents a methodology to select the adequate strategy while considering several factors that influence the functioning of the machine. The results show that operational and conditions variability influence the choice of the suitable methods. In the presented case, we show configurations where prognostic information is useless or useful.

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Integrated Production and Predictive Maintenance Planning based on Prognostic Information

International audience; This paper address the problem of scheduling production and maintenance operation in predictive maintenance context. It proposes a contribution in the decision making phase of the prognostic and health management framework. Theprognostics and decision processes are merged and an ant colony optimization approach for finding the sequence of decisions that optimizes the benefits of a production system is developed. A case study on a single machine composed of several components where machine can have several usage profiles. The results show thatour approach surpasses classical condition based maintenance policy.

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Impact of decision horizon on post-prognostics maintenance and missions scheduling: a railways case study

International audience; In this paper, we propose a study of the decision horizon duration for rolling stock mission assignment and maintenance planning in a prognostics and health management (PHM) context. The aim is to determine the best decision horizon duration that allows the con- struction of a suitable schedule that assigns railway vehicles to missions and integrates required maintenance operations accord- ing to the current and future health of the vehicles. A genetic algorithm is used to minimize the overall cost of the joint schedule as a function of the decision horizon. The results are compared to three proposed heuristics to study the influence of the resolution method on the d…

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Reliable diagnostics using wireless sensor networks

International audience; Monitoring activities in industry may require the use of wireless sensor networks, for instance due to difficult access or hostile environment. But it is well known that this type of networks has various limitations like the amount of disposable energy. Indeed, once a sensor node exhausts its resources, it will be dropped from the network, stopping so to forward information about maybe relevant features towards the sink. This will result in broken links and data loss which impacts the diagnostic accuracy at the sink level. It is therefore important to keep the network's monitoring service as long as possible by preserving the energy held by the nodes. As packet trans…

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Intelligence artificielle : quel avenir en anatomie pathologique ?

Resume Les techniques d’intelligence artificielle et en particulier les reseaux de neurones profonds (Deep Learning) sont en pleine emergence dans le domaine biomedical. Les reseaux de neurones s’inspirent du modele biologique, ils sont interconnectes entre eux et suivent des modeles mathematiques. Lors de l’utilisation des reseaux de neurones artificiels, deux phases sont necessaires : une phase d’apprentissage et une phase d’exploitation. Les deux principales applications sont la classification et la regression. Des outils informatiques comme les processeurs graphiques accelerateurs de calcul ou des bibliotheques de developpement specifiques ont donne un nouveau souffle a ces techniques. …

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