Bennet Fisher
On-chip Generation, Coherent Control and Processing of Complex Entangled Photon States
We demonstrate the on-chip generation of time-bin entangled two- and multi-photon qubit states, as well as high-dimensional frequency-entangled photon pairs. Combining time and frequency entanglement, we generate high-dimensional optical cluster states and implement proof-of-concept high-dimensional one-way quantum computing. This, by using standard, fiber-based telecommunication components.
Designing time and frequency entanglement for generation of high-dimensional photon cluster states
The development of quantum technologies for quantum information science demands the realization and precise control of complex (multipartite and high dimensional) entangled systems on practical and scalable platforms. Quantum frequency combs (QFCs) generated via spontaneous four-wave mixing in integrated microring resonators represent a powerful tool towards this goal. They enable the generation of complex photon states within a single spatial mode as well as their manipulation using standard fiber-based telecommunication components. Here, we review recent progress in the development of QFCs, with a focus on our results that highlight their importance for the realization of complex quantum …